
Discover Castelgrande, a jewel of Basilicata

Welcome to Castelgrande, a municipality in the province of Potenza, in the region of Basilicata. Here, in this village of around 810 inhabitants, you can discover a small treasure perched on a rocky outcrop. The village dates back to the 1000s, although human settlements in the area date back to even earlier times.

Physical Geography

Located at an altitude of 950 meters above sea level, Castelgrande is in the north-western part of the province, on the border with the north-eastern part of the province of Salerno. The surrounding territory is characterized by the green of the forests and the presence of some hamlets.

Castelgrande: discovering the gem of Basilicata.



The coat of arms of the Municipality of Castelgrande was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on July 13, 2004. The gonfalon, instead, is a split flag of white and blue.


The Municipality of Castelgrande was awarded the Bronze Medal for Civil Merit in 1980 for the efforts of its inhabitants in countering the disastrous earthquake of 1980.

Monuments and Places of Interest

There are several monuments and places of interest to visit in Castelgrande. Firstly, the village itself, which extends over an area rich in history, with the castle, probably of Lombard origin, which stood inside and which is now destroyed. However, you can admire the splendid surrounding hilly territory, with vast green spaces and suggestive landscapes.


Population Evolution

The demographic evolution of Castelgrande has been negatively influenced by several factors such as emigration and a decline in births, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. However, thanks to the proactivity of the Municipal Administration and the response of the citizens, the situation has partially reversed.


Astronomical Observatory

Just 7 km from the town center is the Castelgrande Astronomical Observatory on Mount Toppo. Here is the branch observatory of the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, also known as the TT1 Astronomical Observatory, which has an optical telescope with a diameter of 154 cm. In addition, there is the ISON-Castelgrande Observatory, an optical telescope with a diameter of 22 cm, which is part of the international network of ISON observatories.

The Path of Fairy Tales and Stars

The village is part of the "Cammino delle fiabe e delle stelle" (The Path of Fairy Tales and Stars), a tourist itinerary that passes through various municipalities in southern Italy such as Rapone, Bella, and Balvano.


The mayor of Castelgrande is Francesco Cianci of the Castelgrande La Nostra Terra movement, elected with 100% of the vote in the election of June 12, 2022.


In summary, Castelgrande is a jewel of Basilicata, which is worth dedicating at least half a day to visit in order to discover all its attractions. We are certain that you will be fascinated by its history, culture, the beauty of its territory and the hospitality of its citizens. Come and visit Castelgrande, you won't regret it!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Friday, Jul 22, 2022