Castelfranco in Miscano

Castelfranco in Miscano: a gem of the Campania Apennines

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover one of the lesser-known, yet most fascinating municipalities of Campania? We're talking about Castelfranco in Miscano, a small gem of the Campania Apennines with just 813 inhabitants.

Physical geography

Let's start with the physical geography of the place: Castelfranco in Miscano is located southeast of Mount San Bartolomeo and is the easternmost municipality of the province of Benevento. If you're a nature lover, know that its altimetric excursion is 541 meters above sea level, with a minimum altitude of 409 meters and a maximum of 950 meters. In addition, the utilized agricultural area is 4361.18 hectares (ha). Are you ready for a beautiful hike?

Castelfranco in Miscano: discover its history and places of interest.

Origins of the name

But where does the name of this municipality come from? According to one of the hypotheses, it derives from the possession of the castle by a "Frank" or "Frenchman," during the Angevin period, when the village was known as "Castellum Francolum." On the other hand, "Frank" could also have another meaning, namely "free from taxation." In any case, the addition "in Miscano" refers to the homonymous stream, a right tributary of the Ufita river.


And now we come to the history of Castelfranco in Miscano. From the beginning of the Norman conquest of southern Italy, there were many times when this municipality was linked to the county of Ariano, to the point of becoming a fundamental strategic point in the Aragonese period. It was precisely during that period that King Ferrante of Aragon arrived there in order to review his troops. Among the other feudal lords of Castelfranco in Miscano, we can mention the Caracciolo, Di Sangro, and Mirelli families.

Monuments and places of interest

But the history of Castelfranco in Miscano has been handed down to us in the form of numerous monuments and places of interest. We want to recommend some of the most suggestive ones:


Here's a brief excursion on the municipality of Castelfranco in Miscano. If you're a lover of history and nature, you absolutely must visit this fascinating yet little-known place. Happy travels!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Wednesday, Jul 6, 2022