Castelfranco Emilia


Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Castelfranco Emilia, a municipality in the province of Modena. If you like history and geography, you're in the right place!

Physical Geography

Castelfranco Emilia is located in the Po Valley, not far from cities like Bologna and Modena. One interesting thing to note is that the municipality's territory is very rich in water, with many springs present in the area. The historic center is located on the Via Emilia, and in recent years the municipality has experienced significant demographic growth, expanding towards the south. The northern area is instead limited by the passage of the railway axis. In the surrounding area, the countryside is very intensively cultivated and there are also some wooded areas, such as the Bosco Albergati and Villa Sorra. If you like outdoor activities or animals, you can't miss the visit to the municipality to admire the blenny, a species of fish that lives in the freshwater of Castelfranco Emilia.

Castelfranco Emilia: History and Geography of the town in the province of Modena.


If you're passionate about history, know that in Roman times the area was known for its swamps, but there was an important inhabited center: Forum Gallorum. Here, the Battle of Forum Gallorum took place between Marco Antonio and the consuls Aulo Irzio and Gaio Vibio Pansa during the Modena War of 44 BC-43 BC. Cicero in the Epistulae ad familiares and Appian of Alexandria in the ''Bella Civilia'' refer to Forum Gallorum. Borgo Franco, the original name of Castelfranco, was founded in the 13th century and its walls were built to defend the center. Some remains of the walls, which occupied the current surrounding streets, are still visible today. Borgo Franco was in a strategic position, close to the border with enemy Modena, and was considered a defense outpost to which Bologna granted special tax conditions. Until 1929, Castelfranco Emilia was part of the province of Bologna and even today, despite being in the province of Modena, the cultural bond with Bologna is still present, especially for the Bolognese dialect spoken in the area.


And that's all about the physical geography and history of Castelfranco Emilia! If you happen to be in the area, don't miss the opportunity to visit the municipality and appreciate its historical and scenic richness. We're waiting for you!

Martina Caruso
Updated Saturday, Jun 25, 2022