
Exploring Cambiano: a fraction with historical charm

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk to you about a really interesting fraction of the municipality of Castelfiorentino, in the metropolitan city of Florence. I am talking about Cambiano, which owes its name to the Cambi family, who in the fifteenth century bought the remains of an ancient medieval castle in the area and built an imposing villa on top of it. And you know what? This structure has a remarkable historical and artistic value, as it has seen various architectural styles succeed over the centuries, in particular those of the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.

The Villa of Cambiano: an architectural jewel

Are you ready to discover the Villa of Cambiano? It is a truly majestic aristocratic residence, which extends over a vast green area. Its architectural style is inspired by the Florentine Renaissance, but there are also evident Tuscan and mannerist Renaissance influences. The villa has a U-shaped structure, developed on two levels, with a single-nave central body and two lateral wings. One of the most evocative elements of the villa is the facade on the side of the garden, characterized by a triple porch. Furthermore, we cannot fail to mention the large park surrounding the building, where numerous works of art are located, including some statues and an eighteenth-century well.

Exploring Cambiano: history and art between villa and church.

The Church of San Prospero: a historical gem

But the historical and artistic heritage of Cambiano is not limited to the Villa of Cambiano: there is also the Church of San Prospero, built in the thirteenth century. The name of the saint is due to the fact that he was invoked to heal a girl who lived in that area and who had been struck by an illness. The church was built precisely in his honor. Over the centuries, the church has been enriched with numerous works of art, thanks to the patronage of the Cambi family. Of particular interest are the seventeenth-century canvas depicting the Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, the two wooden statues depicting Saint John the Baptist and Saint Roch, and the eighteenth-century Tabernacle.

Curiosities and useful information about Cambiano

But now let's move on to some curious and useful information about this fraction. For example, are you aware of the fact that the Church of San Prospero no longer houses the Cambi family's works of art? In reality, the works have been transferred to a pinacoteca in the capital, where they can be admired. Furthermore, if you are nature and animal lovers, in Cambiano you can visit an interesting safari park, where you can get close to different species of animals and observe them up close. Finally, if you want to taste the typical products of the area, I recommend visiting the numerous farms in the surrounding area, where you can taste excellent wines, oil, cheeses and more.


Here is a brief but complete guide to the fraction of Cambiano. If you are passionate about history and art, you really cannot miss the visit to the Villa of Cambiano and the Church of San Prospero. And if you are looking for an excursion in a green area, the large park surrounding the villa is the ideal place for a walk or a simple relaxation break. I hope that the information I have provided has been useful and has intrigued you enough to encourage you to visit this splendid area of Tuscany.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Nov 25, 2022