
Castelfiorentino: "little Florence" in Val d'Elsa

Hello everyone, today I will talk about Castelfiorentino, an Italian municipality located in the beautiful metropolitan city of Florence. Also known as "Castello" in the local dialect, this charming village has about 17,285 inhabitants and has been extremely important for the city of Florence thanks to its location on the border with the province of Pisa and a few kilometers from the border with the province of Siena. The history and culture of Castelfiorentino are closely linked to Florence and, for this reason, the city boasts the same municipal banner as the capital and the name "Florentine", earning the nickname "little Florence". Recently, precisely since July 15, 2019, Castelfiorentino has been granted the title of city in Italy and is part of the Union of Municipalities of the Empolese Valdelsa District.

Physical geography of Castelfiorentino

Castelfiorentino is located in the beautiful Val d'Elsa, dominated by the Elsa River which rises in Colle di Val d'Elsa and passes through Poggibonsi and Certaldo. After passing Ponte a Elsa, it flows into the Arno River between San Miniato and Empoli. The village extends mainly on the valley floor with hilly reliefs on the sides in the Southeast and Northwest directions, of little altimetric relevance. The altitude varies from a minimum of 25 m to a maximum of 112 m. In the municipal area, there are numerous watercourses, including the Elsa River, Rio Pesciola, Rio Pietroso, Rio Morto, Rio Lama, Rio Vallone, Rio di Grignana, Rio di Pianzino and Broccolino, Rio di Vallese, Borro delle Fate, and Borro di Spranganelli. The hilly area is characterized by recent alluvial soils, clay, sand, and pebble.

Metropolitan City of Florence: Castelfiorentino in the Val d'Elsa.

History of Castelfiorentino

Since 1149, the name Castelfiorentino was given to Castelvecchio built on the Via Francigena in the place of a Roman settlement: Timignano. The fortified castle enclosed, on the hill, the parish church of S. Ippolito (the ancient S. Biagio) and with a second circle of walls, Borgo d'Elsa and Borgo Nuovo. There were five gates, and only two roads crossed on the single square (today Piazza del Popolo). In the past, Castelfiorentino was a fiefdom of the Cadolingi and then the Alberti (counts of Prato) and then progressively acquired by the Bishop of Florence in the twelfth century. The city underwent the events of conflicts between the Church and the Empire, Guelphs and Ghibellines, and between Siena and Florence. Thanks to its strategic position, Castelfiorentino obtained the seat of the podestà, the privilege of a red lily on a white banner, and the official integration of the name Castelfiorentino.


Here is the summary of Castelfiorentino, an Italian city that is worth visiting for its history, culture, and natural beauty. Castelfiorentino has recently obtained the title of city in Italy and represents an important outpost for the city of Florence, with which it is closely linked for historical and cultural reasons. If you are nature lovers and want to visit a small Italian village, Castelfiorentino is the ideal place to enjoy a vacation of relaxation and beauty.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Friday, Nov 25, 2022