
Welcome to Castelbianco!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Castelbianco, a small town in the province of Savona in Liguria, with a population of about 305 inhabitants. It is located in the high valley of the Pennavaira stream, surrounded by mountains and nature, perfect for those seeking the tranquility and beauty of Liguria.

Physical Geography

The territory of Castelbianco is famous for its incredible natural beauty. It is located in the valley of the Pennavaira stream and borders the Neva valley. Mount Castell'Ermo, on the border with the province of Imperia, is a natural wonder of great interest. Even Mount Alpe, located on the opposite side of the valley, is a destination for hiking and mountain biking. The landscape characterized by cliffs and oak woods makes Castelbianco an ideal destination for nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts.

Castelbianco: between nature, history, and traditions.


Castelbianco has a long history and the first traces of human presence date back to prehistoric times. The toponym derives from the presence of a small defensive stronghold, of which some ruins remain just above the village of Veravo. The area was then a feudal possession of the Clavesana marquisate, whose name Castelbianco was first documented in 1202.

Over the years, Castelbianco has passed through different hands. It was conquered by Albenga in 1270 but then was taken back by the Marchesi di Clavesana in 1288. Later, the territory was granted in vassalage to the Cepollini family, who maintained its investiture even when Castelbianco passed into the possessions of the Del Carretto of the Finale branch in the XIV century.

With the creation of the Marchesato di Zuccarello and the homonymous Carrettesco branch, Castelbianco was included in its possessions and followed the historical events of the area. In 1624-1625, for example, it was involved in the Savoy-Genoese clashes. With the stabilization of Genoese supremacy, Castelbianco returned to the possessions of the Republic of Genoa, still undergoing conflicts and wars.

In the Napoleonic period, Castelbianco was part of the Letimbro Department, within the Ligurian Republic. Subsequently, it was incorporated into the province of Albenga of the Kingdom of Sardinia and later into the Kingdom of Italy.

Tourist Attractions

Although Castelbianco is a small town, it is rich in tourist attractions. The Church of the Nativity of Mary Most Holy is an example of seventeenth-century religious architecture and houses several paintings and sculptures inside. The Church of San Rocco, on the other hand, dates back to the fifteenth century and is another jewel of historical and artistic value.

For those who love nature and hiking, Castelbianco offers many trails to explore. Mount Castell'Ermo, for example, is an ideal destination for more adventurous hikers, as is Mount Alpe. Castelbianco is also famous for its Canyon Park, an adventure park immersed in nature that offers paths with suspension bridges, wooden cabins, and much more.


Castelbianco boasts some very interesting traditions. Carnival is one of the most anticipated moments of the year and sees the village filled with colorful costumes and masks. The Polenta Festival, on the other hand, is an unmissable culinary appointment for those who want to taste the typical cuisine of Liguria.


In conclusion, Castelbianco is a small town with great tourist potential. Surrounded by nature, it offers numerous attractions and trails for hiking enthusiasts, as well as events that will immerse you in the local atmosphere. We are confident that if you are in the area, you will not be disappointed by the charm of Castelbianco!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Sunday, Jan 8, 2023