Presentation of the province of Bolzano - South Tyrol
The autonomous province of Bolzano – South Tyrol is the most northern province of Italy and is located in the Trentino-Alto Adige region. With an area of 7,400 square kilometers and a population of 533,175 inhabitants, it is the largest province in the country. It is connected to the Austrian Tyrol by linguistic and cultural reasons and is part of the Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino Euroregion, together with the autonomous province of Trento.
The province has a dual name: the Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol and Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol in German. The inhabitants of the province are generally called "Altoatesini" and different names are used for the region, such as South Tyrol, Sudtirolo or Tirolo del Sud, depending on the language and dialect spoken.
During the Habsburg domination, the territory was known as Mitteltirol, which means "Central Tyrol," and Südtirol, or "Southern Tyrol," often referred to today's Trentino or the entire southern part of Tyrol. According to some authors, the use of the term Südtirol to indicate only the territory between Brenner and Salorno would be unjustified. However, in the Treaty of London of 1915, both Trentino and Cisalpine Tyrol (south of Brenner) were referred to separately.

Language and Culture
The province of Bolzano - South Tyrol is a very interesting place from a cultural point of view and is rich in traditions. German is mainly spoken as the mother tongue here, but there are also other languages, such as Italian and Ladin. This linguistic diversity makes the region truly unique.
From a cultural point of view, South Tyrol is known for its exquisite cuisine and wine production. The region is also famous for its mountains, where many outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing can be enjoyed.
Historical Heritage
The province of Bolzano - South Tyrol is also interesting from a historical point of view. There are many Roman domination testimonials here, such as the settlements of Augusta Praetoria (modern-day Aosta) and Tridentum (modern-day Trento). The ruins of an ancient fortress, Castel Tirolo, located near the city of Merano, can also be visited.
During Austrian domination, South Tyrol was an important region of Tyrol, and several cities such as Bolzano, Merano, and Bressanone were important cultural and commercial centers. Many testimonials of Habsburg domination can still be admired in the region, such as the castles of Churburg and Tirolo.
Modern Art
For lovers of modern art, South Tyrol is a real Mecca. The largest modern art museum in Italy, Museion, is located in Bolzano. The museum houses a vast collection of modern works, ranging from futurism to surrealism.
The region is also famous for its independent and modern art scene, which is often exhibited in art galleries and public spaces.
Natural Beauty
Finally, the province of Bolzano - South Tyrol is known for its natural beauty. The Italian Alps are located here, offering a spectacular landscape and many hiking trails. The region is also famous for its tourist resorts, such as Cortina d'Ampezzo, Madonna di Campiglio, and Ortisei.
Furthermore, the province of Bolzano - South Tyrol is surrounded by many mountains, making it an ideal place for winter sports. The region is known for the quality of its ski slopes and the beauty of its snowy landscapes.
The province of Bolzano - South Tyrol is a unique and interesting region, with a variety of languages, cultures, and landscapes. Here, many testimonials of history and art can be discovered, as well as the natural beauty of the Alpine mountains. It is all of this that makes the province of Bolzano - South Tyrol one of the most interesting places in Italy.