Castel San Pietro Romano

Welcome to Castel San Pietro Romano!

Welcome to Castel San Pietro Romano, a small town located on the western slopes of the Prenestini mountains, just a few kilometers from Rome. In this article, we will tell you about the peculiarities and beauties of this Most Beautiful Village of the Mediterranean.

Castel San Pietro Romano: the Most Beautiful Village in the Mediterranean!

Physical Geography


Castel San Pietro Romano is located on a dominant position over Palestrina, at an altitude of 765 meters above sea level. The town enjoys a panoramic view of the Sacco Valley and the first slopes of the city of Rome. The most important hills in the municipal territory are Colle Perrazzo, La Montagnozza and Colle Cervino.


The town is located in zone E, 2652 GR/G, according to the climatic classification.


The town has medieval origins, when the inhabitants of Palestrina moved to these hills to find a more easily defendable place. Castel San Pietro was witness to the Battle of Palestrina, fought in 1848 by the soldiers of the Roman Republic and those of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.

On October 12th, 2018, the town had its first honorary citizen, Gina Lollobrigida.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Castel San Pietro Romano has a characteristic historic center, with pleasant alleys and squares. Additionally, the town is rich in panoramic viewpoints from which it is possible to admire the beauty of the Sacco Valley and the surrounding hills.

Religious Architecture

The town preserves several religious architectures of historical and artistic interest:

Awards and Recognition

Since November 14th, 2017, Castel San Pietro Romano has been included in the club of "The most beautiful villages in Italy" and in the same year has received the "Comune Riciclone del Lazio" award from Legambiente.

Starting from October 19th, 2019, Castel San Pietro Romano has become the Most Beautiful Village of the Mediterranean.


Castel San Pietro Romano is a town that bewitches with its beauty and history. An ideal place for a day trip, to enjoy the panoramic view and visit the religious buildings. If you wish to discover the charm of this small town, come and visit us! We are waiting for you with open arms.

Martina Moretti
Updated Monday, Oct 24, 2022