Castel Mella

Castel Mella: a village on the banks of the Mella River

Castel Mella is a municipality in the province of Brescia located in the southern hinterland of the city, geographically bordered by the Mella River to the northeast, the Garzetta irrigation channel and the IX Provincial Road of Quinzano d'Oglio to the southeast, the Mandolossa and Trolio irrigation channels to the west, and the 235 State Road of Orzinuovi to the north. Its territory extends between the high and low Po Valley plain, characterized by an area of emergence of springs that give rise to three irrigation channels.

The waters of Castel Mella

The spring waters of the springs were used to irrigate fields, to flood the "marshes" in winter, and to provide year-round driving energy to the two mills of Castelnuovo and Onzato. The Castelmellese territory is also characterized by irrigation channels from other areas, such as Trolio, Mandolossa, Sorbanella, and Garzetta. Finally, there is Vaso Pasini, which was dug in 1929 by the podestà of the time to irrigate the fields located near the right bank of the Mella.


The etymology of Castel Mella

The name Castel Mella means "village on the banks of the Mella" and derives from "castle" (from the Latin ''castellum'' diminutive of ''castrum'', "fortified village") and "Mella" (a Ligure-Celtic name which indicated a "disordered and unruly stream").

The history of Castel Mella

The village, founded by the Lombards in the 6th century, underwent significant transformations over the centuries. In the 10th century, it evolved from a rural village into a civic castle thanks to a defensive system that included the construction of a wall with watchtowers, the digging of a moat filled with spring water and flanked by an embankment and the creation of a drawbridge.

Castel Mella today

Today, Castel Mella is a populated area of about 11,000 inhabitants located in an area characterized by the presence of important commercial and industrial activities. The city is well connected to major transportation routes and is located a few kilometers from Montichiari airport. In addition to the presence of numerous commercial activities, the municipality offers essential public services such as schools, kindergartens, sports centers, and libraries.

In conclusion

Castel Mella is a village characterized by a strong presence of water and the scenic beauty of its territory. Thanks to its millennial history, it offers visitors an immense cultural and architectural heritage that can be appreciated through a visit to the castle and the chapel dedicated to Siro of Pavia, the first bishop and patron saint of the city. In general, Castel Mella is a dynamic and constantly evolving city that knows how to balance its ancient history with present-day needs.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, May 5, 2022