
Lodolo: a hamlet of Castel Goffredo

Hello everyone! Today I'll talk about Lodolo, one of the hamlets of Castel Goffredo, in the province of Mantua. It is located only 2 km from the town center and extends east of it.

Origin of the name

The name "Lodolo" comes from the term "lotus", which means mud or sludge, probably referring to the area.

Lodolo: the picturesque hamlet near Castel Goffredo.

The history of Lodolo

According to ecclesiastical documents, in 1566 there was an oratory dedicated to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, which belonged to the Pomposa Abbey in the province of Ferrara. At the entrance of the village is the Oratory of the Immaculate Conception (also known as Santa Maria Cucumeria), which was built in 1719. Not far from Lodolo, in the locality of Annunciata (in the municipality of Medole), is the Annunciata Convent, dating back to the 15th century. This is an isolated place, surrounded by nature, which is definitely worth a visit.

The nature of Lodolo

The territory of Lodolo is rich in water, in fact, there are some streams listed below:

If you love nature and tranquility, I recommend a nice walk along these streams.

Bibliography and notes

I leave you with the bibliography where you can find further information, and some useful notes:


There you go, we have discovered together all the secrets of Lodolo, a truly picturesque hamlet of Castel Goffredo. I hope this article has intrigued you enough to visit this area and discover its beauty. See you soon with new curiosities!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2022