
Casalpoglio: a village immersed in nature

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Casalpoglio, a small hamlet of the municipality of Castel Goffredo, in the province of Mantua. This village is located just three kilometers away from the city center and is surrounded by nature, crossed by the Gambino stream, which rises in the locality of Lame di Carpenedolo.

The origin of the name and the history of Casalpoglio

The name Casalpoglio derives from "Casale" and the suffix "pol," which means marsh. In fact, in the past, the village was surrounded by marshes and its original name was Revere. However, the origin of the name could also be linked to the owners of the land or its elevated position.

The origins of Casalpoglio date back to the Roman era when the village was known as "Casalis Polionis." According to legend, in this hamlet, the poet Virgil would have been born, but it is more likely that only the poet's mother was from Casalpoglio. Here, a Roman funeral inscription was found, preserved at the Brescia Civic Museum, which testifies to the Romanization of the territory of Castel Goffredo. Furthermore, an important funerary stele was found, known as the funerary stele of Casalpoglio, which confirms the affinity of Virgil's parents with the Gens Magia of Casalpoglio.

From the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, the village was part of the Republic of Venice and depended on the Quadra di Asola. After the fall of the Venetian Republic, Casalpoglio passed through various districts and municipalities, until it became a hamlet of Castel Goffredo in 1873.

Casalpoglio: history, monuments, and nature.

The monuments of Casalpoglio

Despite its small size, Casalpoglio boasts some interesting monuments. The Church of San Lorenzo, for example, is a beautiful example of eighteenth-century religious architecture, with frescoes and an altarpiece attributed to Giovanni Antonio Zaddei. Another place of interest is the White Poplar of Castel Goffredo, a monumental tree.

The administration of Casalpoglio

In 1873, the municipal council of Casalpoglio decided to definitively join the municipality of Castel Goffredo, becoming a hamlet. Before this date, the village had ties with Asola. In 1928, Casalpoglio was suppressed and merged with the municipality of Castel Goffredo.

Gallery of images

Finally, I leave you with some pictures of Casalpoglio and its monuments. I hope you enjoyed learning about this village immersed in nature and history!

The area of Casalpoglio, a possible birthplace of Publio Virgilio Marone

Church of San Lorenzo (Casalpoglio)

Austrian boundary stone.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Apr 7, 2022