Castel Giorgio

Castel Giorgio: the European capital of American football

Hello friends! Today I will tell you a bit about Castel Giorgio, a beautiful Umbrian town with only 2020 inhabitants but with a peculiarity that makes it famous in Europe and beyond: it is the "European Capital of American Football"! Yes, here is the Vince Lombardi Stadium, the first facility in Italy and also in Europe designed and built for the sport of "oval ball".

Physical Geography

Castel Giorgio: The European Capital of American Football and Its History.


The town of Castel Giorgio is located in Umbria, precisely on the Altopiano dell'Alfina, on the border with Lazio, just a few kilometers from the wonderful Lake Bolsena and Mount Amiata. In addition, within the municipal territory is also the Poggio del Torrone, the highest peak of the Volsini Mountains, with its 690 meters above sea level. The territory is particularly interesting due to its volcanic origin, with news of Etruscan tombs and Roman habitation.


The climate of Castel Giorgio is classified as zone E, with 2382 degree days of cold. In summer the temperatures are quite mild and pleasant, while in winter the snow can make an appearance.


Castel Giorgio was founded in 1477 by Giorgio della Rovere, then Bishop of Orvieto, who brought a colony of farmers from Parma to live in the previously uninhabited area. However, there is news of urban settlements since the Etruscan and medieval periods, with Etruscan tombs found in different locations within the territory.

Over the centuries, various castles and properties were built and destroyed during wars and earthquakes, but Castel Giorgio continued to be an important ecclesiastical center and remained under the barony of the bishops of Orvieto until the unification of the Kingdom of Italy. During the war for the Duchy of Castro in 1642, Castel Giorgio hosted illustrious historical figures in an attempt to settle conflicts.


What do you think, friends, did you like the history of Castel Giorgio? Not only is the town of great historical-archaeological interest but it also has the beautiful Vince Lombardi Stadium, a reference point for American football in Italy and Europe. Thanks for reading this friendly summary, see you next time!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Sep 1, 2022