Castel di Lama

Exploring Ascoli Piceno: a city with a hundred towers

Hello friends! Today I want to tell you about Ascoli Piceno, a charming Italian city located in the Marche region. Known primarily for its monumental architecture and famous Olive all'Ascolana, Ascoli Piceno is a must-visit destination for lovers of art and good food.

Physical geography

Ascoli Piceno is located about 28 km from the Adriatic Sea, surrounded by beautiful mountains including Monte Ascensione, Colle San Marco, and Montagna dei Fiori. The urban center, built in travertine, stands at an altitude of about 154 meters above sea level, at the confluence of the Tronto river and the Castellano stream. The city is also surrounded by two protected natural areas: the Gran Sasso National Park and the Monti Sibillini National Park.

Ascoli Piceno: the city of a hundred towers and Ascolane olives.

The towers of Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno is also known as the "City of a hundred towers" due to the presence of numerous gentilic and bell towers. In the Middle Ages, the city had about two hundred towers, but many of them were destroyed during the reign of Frederick II of Swabia. Even today, Ascoli Piceno preserves several examples of these ancient towers, which make the city even more suggestive and fascinating.

Olive all'Ascolana

We cannot talk about Ascoli Piceno without mentioning Olive all'Ascolana, a gastronomic specialty loved throughout Italy and beyond national borders. These delicious stuffed and then fried olives have become a symbol of the city, so much so that every year a festival dedicated to this dish is held.

Rivers, streams, and mountains

Ascoli Piceno is located in the Tronto Valley and borders numerous municipalities in the Marche and Abruzzo regions. The city is crossed by the Tronto River and the Castellano and Chiaro streams. The surrounding area offers the opportunity to make many naturalistic excursions and admire breathtaking landscapes between the mountains of Monte Ascensione, Montagna dei Fiori, and the Sacro Cuore hill.


The climate of Ascoli Piceno is sub-Appennine, characterized by cold and humid winters and hot and sultry summers. The presence of the surrounding mountains guarantees a pleasant climate even during the hottest summer months.

I hope I've conveyed some of the charm of Ascoli Piceno. If you ever have the chance to visit this splendid city, be sure to admire its towers, taste the Olive all'Ascolana, and enjoy the cliffs and surrounding landscapes!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023