Castel di Iudica

Welcome to Castel di Iudica!

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Castel di Iudica, a town in the province of Catania in Sicily. Here is a brief guide to discover the beauties of this small village. If you are curious to know more, keep reading!

The history of Castel di Iudica

The history of Castel di Iudica is very interesting. Located on the slopes of Mount Iudica, the village already existed in archaic times, from the 8th century BC to the 3rd century BC. The remains of a phrourion can be found on Mount Turcisi. During the Arab rule, it was called "Zotica" and there was a castle, which was conquered by Roger I of Sicily around 1076. According to the Arab geographer al-Idrisi, it was a flourishing agricultural village in the early 12th century. The church of San Michele Arcangelo, built on top of the mountain, was instead built in the 17th century, but today only the bell tower remains. During the fascist period, Castel di Iudica became an autonomous municipality and took its current name.

Castel di Iudica: history, society and traditions of a Sicilian municipality.


With almost 4300 inhabitants, Castel di Iudica is a small community that offers a familiar and peaceful atmosphere, ideal for those who want to spend a few days away from the chaos of the city. The patron saint of the village is Maria Santissima delle Grazie and her feast is held on the second Sunday of August.


The municipality of Castel di Iudica is governed by Mayor Ruggero Agatino Strano, elected in 2018 with the Libera Iudica civic list. There is a long list of administrations that have governed the village over the years. It is interesting to note that the municipality has been included in the project of the "First world park of the Mediterranean lifestyle" together with 103 other cities in central Sicily.

Popular traditions

One of the most fascinating areas of Castel di Iudica is "U sautu a vecchia", or "The old woman's jump". This name derives from a legendary episode dating back to the Norman conquest of Sicily. It is said that a young woman named Emidia dressed up as an old woman to deceive the Saracens, but when they discovered the trick, they threw her off a cliff. Today, the area has become a very popular tourist destination.


Castel di Iudica is a small gem of Sicily worth visiting. The breathtaking landscape, the ancient history, and the popular traditions make it a unique place. If you want to escape from routine and immerse yourself in the beauty of the Sicilian hills, do not hesitate to visit Castel di Iudica!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Monday, Apr 4, 2022