Castel di Ieri

Welcome to Castel di Ieri!

Welcome to Castel di Ieri! This Italian municipality in the province of Aquila, in Abruzzo, is a true gem. With its 296 inhabitants, it is a quiet place where you can enjoy the beautiful hilly landscape that surrounds it. In this summary, I will talk about the geographical location, climate, accessibility, and history of this town.

Physical Geography

Castel di Ieri is located in the Subequana Valley at 519 meters above sea level, on the Via Tiburtina Valeria. The town is built on a hillock and its majestic pyramid-shaped tower dominates the old village, allowing a panoramic 360° view. The main road, Via Roma, starts from the church of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo and winds up to the church of Santa Croce, just below the tower. The other streets are organized "in a radial pattern" inside the old town protected by walls. The houses "outside the walls" were built at the end of the 19th century and are located along Via Nazionale, Via della Fonte, Via San Pio, and Via Sanguineto.

Castel di Ieri: history, geography, and climate of an Abruzzo gem.


The climate in Castel di Ieri can be considered "temperate cool" due to the breeze blowing from the east. In the valley, the air is dry and pleasant while descending into the Peligna Valley (Sulmona/Raiano), the air becomes humid and heavy. The Subequana Valley can be considered a "happy island" to have "relaxing holidays" and deepen archaeological culture with the Italic Temple and other sites.


To reach Castel di Ieri from Rome, you can take the A25 motorway with an exit at Celano and then take the Via Tiburtina Valeria towards Collarmele crossing the Forca Caruso pass. Starting from Pescara you can follow the same motorway to Pratola Peligna, connecting then with the Tiburtina Valeria. You can also arrive by train (Rome-Pescara railway line), with some difficulties in connecting with other trains coming from Naples.



The history of Castel di Ieri dates back to the 8th/7th century BC. It is thought that the city was located at VII miglia antiche, equivalent to km, on the Via Tiburtina Valeria. In 1987, the necropolis of Le Castagne was discovered in the locality of Narola/colle cipolla/Le castagne, and the Italic Temple discovered at the same time in the locality of Piè di Franci, near Mount Ventola/Passo delle Cese Piane.

Historical Events

In 1522, Castel di Ieri was destroyed by a great fire but was soon rebuilt thanks to the efforts of the community. In 1860, the town was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy, and in 1927 the Municipality of Castel di Ieri was created. During World War II, the town was occupied by the Germans from 1943 to 1944 and suffered damage and looting.

Cultural Heritage

The cultural heritage of Castel di Ieri is very rich. Among the main attractions are the Castle Tower and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo. Every year, on the occasion of the patron saint festivals, concerts, theater performances, and sports events are organized. In addition, every year the Prosciutto di Castel di Ieri festival takes place, where you can taste local specialties and typical products of the area.


In conclusion, Castel di Ieri is a beautiful town where you can spend time in peace, surrounded by the beauty of nature and cultural heritage. With its geographical location, pleasant climate, and rich history, Castel di Ieri offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in an authentic environment, rich in traditions and natural beauties.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Jan 15, 2022