Castel di Casio

Castel di Casio: a medieval village in the Bolognese Apennines

If you're looking for a peaceful and historic place to escape the chaos of the city, Castel di Casio could be your ideal destination. This municipality in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, located in the metropolitan city of Bologna, has around 3,300 inhabitants and is part of the Union of the Bolognese Apennines.


The historic center of Castel di Casio is characterized by the presence of the medieval tower, which dominates the landscape and stands out against the rooftops of the houses. This village has ancient origins and the memory of the past can still be perceived today by strolling through the narrow alleys and admiring the architecture of the houses, which date back to the medieval period. In those centuries, Castel di Casio was an important trading center on the ridge road that connected the cities of Bologna and Florence.

Castel di Casio: the ideal destination to get away from the city.


Demographic evolution

Like many other municipalities in Italy, Castel di Casio has undergone demographic variations over the years. Currently, the resident population is around 3,300.

Ethnic and foreign minorities

The municipality also hosts several foreign communities, which constitute a small percentage of the total population. According to ISTAT data from 2009, the most represented nationalities are Moroccan and Romanian.


Castel di Casio is classified climatically as zone E, with 2,634 heating degree days. The municipality has been governed by several administrations over the years, as can be seen from the table on the municipality's online page.

See also

If you're looking for outdoor activities, a few kilometers from Castel di Casio you can find Lake Suviana and the Suviana and Brasimone Lakes Regional Park. In addition, anyone wishing to reach the village by train can use the Silla station, which is located a short distance from the location.

External links

If you want to learn more about Castel di Casio and its activities, you can visit the official website of the municipality, which contains updated information on the life of the village and the services that are available.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022