Castano Primo

Welcome to Castano Primo!

If you are reading this text, you have probably heard of Castano Primo and want to know more about it! Or maybe you have never heard of it before, but are curious about this municipality in the metropolitan city of Milan. In any case, welcome to Castano Primo!

A brief geographical description

Castano Primo is located in Lombardy, at the north-western end of the metropolitan city of Milan. We are bordered by the Ticino river and several other municipalities such as Robecchetto con Induno, Magnago, Cuggiono, Buscate, Vanzaghello, Lonate Pozzolo, Nosate and Turbigo. Our territory is crossed by two canals derived from the Ticino: the Canale Industriale and the Canale Villoresi.

Castano Primo: a welcoming municipality located in the metropolitan city of Milan.

No need to fear earthquakes

If you fear earthquakes, know that Castano Primo has a low seismicity. We are classified as a zone 4 by the national Department of Civil Protection, which means there is nothing to worry about!

Our climate

Like many other municipalities in the Po Valley, the climate in Castano Primo is characterized by cold winters and hot summers. In fact, we could say very hot and muggy! We belong to the E climatic zone.

The origin of our name

Our name probably derives from "Silvae Castanae", which means chestnut woods. Originally, however, we were called "Castro Casteno", which suggests that we had a castle. In fact, the ancient coat of arms of our village had a red castle, from whose foundation a chestnut tree emerged, a coat of arms that we can still see today on the banner of our municipality. To distinguish ourselves from another homonymous center in the province of Pavia, King of Italy Vittorio Emanuele II added "Primo" to our name in 1863, previously we were simply "Castano".

A bit of history

Castano Primo was probably originated from a Roman camp (castrum). The first document mentioning Casteno dates back to 712, in a deed of donation from the Lombard King Liutprando to a monastery in Pavia. During the Middle Ages, the castle stood where the prepositurale church stands today. In the 10th century, Castano was part of the county of Burgaria and changed several owners, including the Counts of Biandrate, the Visconti, and the Sforza.

In 1500 the village became a fiefdom of the Visconti di Brignano, who ruled it until 1717. A member of this family, Francesco Bernardino, who also had a house in Castano, was identified as the Unnamed in the book "The Betrothed". During the sixteenth century, Castano was involved in the struggles between the French and the Spanish, but remained under the dominion of the Visconti branch of Brignano.


So here is a brief and friendly summary of Castano Primo, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Milan that is worth a visit. Let us know if you have any other questions or want to learn more about our history or traditions. We are open and welcoming!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Wednesday, May 25, 2022