Castagnole Monferrato

Castagnole Monferrato: a small village nestled in the hills of Piedmont

Castagnole Monferrato, with its population of 1171, is a municipality located in the province of Asti, nestled in the hills of Monferrato. Its name recalls the chestnut forests that once covered the territory and, although disappeared, are still present in the toponym's memory.

Physical geography: a central village in the lower Monferrato

Castagnole Monferrato is centrally located in the lower Monferrato, about 14 km from Asti, 30 km from Casale Monferrato and Alessandria. It is located on a ridge that marks the border between Monferrato astigiano and Monferrato casalese, and is about 200 meters above sea level. The village is surrounded by hills characterized by vineyards.

Castagnole Monferrato: a small village among the hills of Piedmont.

History: symbols and monuments

The coat of arms and the banner of the municipality were granted by presidential decree on October 6, 2003. The banner is a yellow drape.

The town is characterized by ancient buildings and houses, some dating back to the fifteenth century, gathered around the places of worship. Among the most interesting monuments are the Church of San Martino, the brotherhood of the Annunciation, the largest solar meridian dedicated to wine in the world and the largest wine press in Europe, located in the cellars of the estate "la Mercantile". In addition, there are also the seventeenth-century chapel of San Rocco and historic cellars carved into the tuff stone.

Society: demographic evolution and economy

The Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato is one of the rarest native grape varieties grown in Monferrato Astigiano, known internationally. The territory is characterized by calcareous and dry soils subject to high insolation. Since 1987, the year of obtaining the DOC certification, Ruché has registered constant and progressive appreciations that make it today an expression of the territory's identity.

Infrastructure and transport

Between 1900 and 1935, Castagnole Monferrato was served by the Asti-Montemagno-Altavilla tramway, an important means of transportation of that era.


Castagnole Monferrato has had several administrations that have succeeded over the years.

Notes, other projects and external links

In the final section of the text, we find notes and external links where it is possible to find further information on the topic. In addition, there are also other projects related to the municipality of Castagnole Monferrato.

In summary, Castagnole Monferrato is a small village nestled in the hills of Piedmont, internationally known for Ruché, and characterized by historic monuments of great interest. Its central location in the lower Monferrato makes it easily accessible and its history makes it a place rich in charm and cultural value.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Friday, Apr 29, 2022