
Cassinasco: a brief journey through its history and beauty

Welcome to Cassinasco, a small town in the province of Asti in Piedmont, Italy, which has approximately 599 inhabitants. In this brief article, we will tell you a little bit about its history and the places of interest that you can visit if you have the chance to pass through these places.


Cassinasco has an ancient history, dating back to the medieval era. In fact, the tower of the ancient medieval castle is the only building that remained after the plundering and burning of 1615, carried out by the Savoy troops during the First War of Monferrato. The castle was built in this place to defend against the sea raids of the Saracens during the time of the Crusades.

The coat of arms of the Municipality of Cassinasco was granted by decree of the president of the Republic on March 20, 2006. In the coat of arms, the tower of the medieval castle is depicted, surrounded by a blue border, symbolizing the sky, serenity and purity.

Cassinasco: history and beauty of a small Asti gem

Monuments and places of interest

In the municipality is located the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace and the Alpini, dating back to the early 20th century. This sanctuary was built in memory of the fallen Alpini soldiers of the First World War, and even before the Sanctuary was built, there was already a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in this place.

The sanctuary is characterized by its neo-Gothic style, with two lateral towers emphasizing its monumentality. Inside, you can admire splendid frescoes, paintings and sculptures that tell the story of the Alpini and the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Demographic evolution

Over the years, the population of Cassinasco has remained almost constant, oscillating between 599 and 660 total inhabitants.

Ethnic groups and foreign minorities

According to ISTAT data as of December 31, 2010, the foreign population residing in Cassinasco exceeded 70 people, or about 12.2% of the total population. The nationalities most represented were that of the Republic of Macedonia, Romania, and Switzerland.


Below is a table containing information on the various administrations that have succeeded over the years in this municipality:


In short, Cassinasco is a small gem of history and beauty, which still manages to surprise and amaze anyone who decides to visit it. We hope that this brief article has been helpful in discovering a small part of this magical place. If you have the opportunity, do not miss the chance to visit the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace and the Alpini, as it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and exciting places in the Asti area.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Feb 20, 2022