
Welcome to the Province of Rieti

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the beautiful Province of Rieti, located in the heart of Lazio, Italy. With its 73 municipalities and a population of approximately 150,000 residents, this province offers breathtaking natural scenery and a history that dates back to ancient times.

Physical Geography

The Province of Rieti borders several regions of Italy, including Viterbo and Rome Capital to the west, Umbria and Marche to the north, and Abruzzo to the east and southeast. The territory is mostly mountainous, with the presence of the Sabini Mountains and the Reatini Mountains to the west and north, Mount Terminillo to the east, and the Laga Mountains to the southeast. The main plain is the Piana Reatina. Additionally, the Province of Rieti has two prominent artificial lakes: Lake Salto and Lake Turano.

Discover the natural and historical wonder of Rieti.


This province is rich in rivers and lakes, including the Tiber, Velino, Salto, Turano, Farfa, Aia, and Corno. Furthermore, there are also many lakes, such as Lake Salto, Lake Turano, Lake Rascino, Lake Monti della Duchessa, Lake Scandarello, Lake Paterno, Lago Lungo (Lazio) or di Cantalice, Lake Ripasottile, and Lake Ventina.


The Province of Rieti was established by the fascist government in 1927, along with 16 other provinces, with the aim of restoring political unity to the Sabina region. The Province of Rieti was created by combining the territory of the Rieti district and the former Cittaducale district, which had been part of the Perugia and L'Aquila provinces, respectively. However, the formation of the province sparked numerous protests from the territory of the former Cittaducale district and the L'Aquila province.

After World War II, during the debate on the republican institutional structure, the possible maintenance of the provincial subdivision operated by fascism was discussed. The L'Aquila province requested the return of the former Cittaducale district.


The Province of Rieti is a natural and historical wonder that offers a variety of itineraries and paths to explore. Visiting its mountains, rivers, and lakes will make you feel like you are in a different dimension. Additionally, the local residents are very welcoming and helpful, ready to welcome visitors and provide them with all the necessary information for an unforgettable vacation. We look forward to welcoming you to the Province of Rieti!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022