Casole Bruzio

A short history of Casole Bruzio

Casole Bruzio is a locality in the municipality of Casali del Manco, Italy. In the past, until May 5th, 2017, it was an independent municipality. It is said that the village was founded between the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd century BC by the Bruzi people. Later, like all the other villages in Presila, it was a "casale" (small village) of Cosenza and was incorporated into the "bagliva" of Spezzano Piccolo. During the Spanish domination, the territories were sold to Gian Vincenzo Salviati, V Duke of Giuliano (1693-1752), who established the seat of the armed forces in Casole under the orders of the General Governor residing in Celico. In the 17th century, the village was hit by a serious plague that caused over 200 deaths. In the 18th century, it was the victim of brigand raids. In 1807, it was elevated to University by the French and annexed to the government of Spezzano Grande. In 1811, it became a fraction of Verticelli and in 1816, a fraction of Magli. On January 25th, 1820, it was elevated to municipality with jurisdiction over the fractions of Magli and Verticelli. The current name of Casole Bruzio was assumed with a decree dated October 23rd, 1864.

Symbols of Casole Bruzio

Casole Bruzio: History, Symbols, and Society

The coat of arms and the banner of Casole Bruzio were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on January 19th, 1977. The banner was a split flag of white and yellow.

Society: Demographic evolution

The demographic evolution of Casole Bruzio has been constant, going from 635 inhabitants in 1861 to 573 in 1921. In 1951, the population reached 1,079 inhabitants, while the current population is around 1,100 inhabitants. Despite being small, the community is vibrant and active.


From an administrative point of view, in the past, Casole Bruzio was an independent municipality, but today it is part of the municipality of Casali del Manco.


In this space, additional notes or curiosities about Casole Bruzio and its history can be found.

Other projects

To deepen the knowledge of Casole Bruzio, it is possible to consult other projects, websites and useful resources.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022