
The Serio River: a river that flows between Bergamo and Cremona

The Serio River is a river that runs entirely through the Lombardy region and crosses the provinces of Bergamo and Cremona. It is 124 km long and originates from Mount Torena, flowing towards the plain and forming the Seriana Valley. Along its course, the Serio River passes through several towns and takes its name from many cities, such as Villa di Serio, Fiorano al Serio, Orio al Serio, Seriate, Mornico al Serio, and Cologno al Serio.


The name Serio, ancient and probably from pre-Roman times, would mean "flow" or "walking with water". It is interesting to note that the toponym enters to some extent in the names of some villages crossed by the river. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the main canal derived from the river, the Roggia Serio Grande, while the minor canals are called Seriola.

The Seriana Valley and the Serio Waterfalls: breathtaking nature between Bergamo and Cremona.

The course of the Serio River

The Serio River originates at about 1,500 meters above sea level in a rich area of lakes called Passo del Serio, between Mount Torena and Pizzo del Diavolo della Malgina in the Bergamo Orobic Prealps. The river passes through various tourist locations, the most famous of which is Valbondione, where the Serio Waterfalls are located, the triple jump of about 315 meters that can be admired within the territory of the municipality, and make the Serio the river with the highest waterfall in Italy.

In 1931, a dam was built for the production of electricity, which interrupted the river's course. In 1969, the dam opened its barriers to allow the beauty of the waterfalls to come back to life. Since then, the event is repeated five times during the summer season. There exists a popular traditional legend about the Serio waterfalls.

Along the Seriana Valley, the river collects the waters of numerous tributaries such as the Bondione, Nero, Sedornia, Goglio, Acqualina, Rino, Ogna, Nossana, Riso, Romna, Val Vertova, Asnina, Rovaro, Doppia, Albina, Lujo, Vallogna, Carso, Nesa, and Gardellone; then it continues into the Bergamo and Cremona plain.


The Serio River is a fascinating and suggestive place that offers many opportunities for nature lovers, sports enthusiasts, and outdoor activities. If you are on vacation in the province of Bergamo or Cremona, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Seriana Valley and admire the spectacular Serio waterfalls. Regardless of your preferred activities, the Serio River always offers an unforgettable experience, immersed in nature, among enchanting landscapes and breathtaking views.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Nov 21, 2022