
Hello everyone, today we will talk about Casnigo

Hello everyone! Today I would like to tell you about one of the municipalities in the province of Bergamo that is close to my heart: Casnigo. With its just over 3000 inhabitants, this town is located in Val Gandino, along the Serio river, about 23 kilometers northeast of the main city.

Casnigo: let's discover a charming town among mountains and river.

The physical geography of Casnigo

The territory

The municipal territory of Casnigo is very interesting from a morphological point of view and develops in different natural environments. We find the alluvial area of the valley floor, a plateau, and hilly and mountainous parts. An important cluster of houses is located in Plazza, Ere, Strecià, Nosito, Grumello, Fossato, Lambla, Ròa, Sotto gli Orti, Macone, Terraglio, Trigiasco, Bettinello, Agher and Cornello. The town is located at an altitude of 514 meters above sea level, on the southwestern edge of the plateau that characterizes the Val Gandino.

The plateau of Agher

A fertile history

The area where the town is located was in the past a very fertile alluvial deposit intensively cultivated for its fertility. Today it is still partly occupied by chemical and textile industries. The plateau is still affectionately called "Agher" (from the Latin word "ager" meaning field, countryside) by the locals.

Residential settlements on mountain slopes

The importance of Mount Farno

On Mount Farno, we find the locality of Ronco Trinità, located near the homonymous sanctuary. The plateau hosts some small rural communities and residential settlements, while on the slopes of Pizzo di Casnigo, we find other industrial settlements of some importance.

The Serio valley floor

The localities of Mele and Serio

In the Serio river valley floor, at an altitude of about 400 m, we find two important settlements: the hamlet of "Serio," below the capital, and the locality of "Mele," further upstream. Both locations are important centers of industrial development.

Colle Bondo and agriculture

Agriculture and the vocation of Colle Bondo

At the northern end of the territory is the locality of Colle Bondo, which is located on the other side of the valley between 800 and 1,100 meters above sea level and is an area that still maintains a predominantly agricultural vocation today.

The administrative boundaries of Casnigo

The boundaries of Casnigo

From an administrative point of view, the municipality is delimited to the west by the course of the Serio river and has as neighboring municipalities Fiorano al Serio, Vertova and Colzate. Casnigo shares part of the eastern slopes of Mount Cavlera with Colzate, and the administrative border continues following the watershed with the Val del Riso, reaching Pizzo Frol in the Gorno area.


A town waiting to be discovered

In conclusion, Casnigo is a small but fascinating municipality that is definitely worth discovering. Its diverse territory and history make it an interesting and characteristic place in the province of Bergamo. If you have the opportunity to visit, don't miss the chance to discover all the beauties and curiosities of this town!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Nov 21, 2022