San Quirico
The cult of Saints Quirico and Giulitta
Saints Quirico and Giulitta were two Christian martyrs who lived during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, and are celebrated in the Catholic Church on June 16. Quirico and his mother Giulitta were imprisoned and tortured for their faith, and were eventually beheaded.
Saint Quirico in Italy and worldwide
The figure of Saint Quirico has given its name to numerous municipalities and villages in Italy, including Corvino San Quirico, San Quirico d'Orcia, Serra San Quirico, San Quirico di Pistoia, San Quirico di Genova, and many others. There is also a settlement called San Quirico in Capodistria, Slovenia, and an island named after it in the Black Sea.

Religious architecture dedicated to Saint Quirico
The devotion to Saint Quirico is reflected in the presence of numerous churches and places of worship dedicated to him in various parts of Italy, such as the Church of San Quirico in Legnaia in Florence, the Parish Church of San Quirico in Pescia, the Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta in Collesalvetti, the Church of San Quirico in Sorano, and many others. There are also churches dedicated to Saints Quirico and Giulitta, such as the Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta in Cavaria con Premezzo and the Collegiate Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta in San Quirico d'Orcia.
San Quirico s.p.a. company
San Quirico s.p.a. is a holding company that owns the oil company ERG, based in Rome.
Related pages
Further information on San Quirico and the cult of Saints Quirico and Giulitta can be found on the Wikipedia page "Chiesa di San Quirico" or by searching for the dedicated San Chirico page.