Casarsa della Delizia

Welcome to Casarsa della Delizia!

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Casarsa della Delizia, a lovely town in Friuli-Venezia Giulia with approximately 8200 inhabitants. This city has a very unique feature: it is located on the border between the plains of Friuli and the high plateau, close to the Alpine arc and the Adriatic Sea. Therefore? The area is characterized by numerous springs that give rise to important waterways such as the Lemene, which reaches Portogruaro, passing through the historic center of Casarsa.

The physical geography of Casarsa della Delizia

As I mentioned earlier, the uniqueness of the territory of Casarsa is due to the springs that cross the municipality. The rivers that originate from the springs in Casarsa are the Lemene, the Sile (which originates in Villa Sile), the Reghena, and the Roggia dei Molini. The most important river, however, is the Tagliamento, which is about 3 kilometers from the town center but has greatly influenced the agricultural appearance of the area.

Casarsa della Delizia: discovering its rivers

The origin of the name

But where does the name Casarsa della Delizia come from? "Casam arsam" is the Latin term from which the name derives and translates to "burned house." However, the term "arsa" refers more to a dry or burnt area. The adjective "della Delizia," on the other hand, was added by a royal decree in 1867 to distinguish the city of Casarsa Ligure.

Discovering the rivers of Casarsa

As I said, the Lemene is one of the most important rivers in Casarsa: it originates from the springs in the municipality and flows through the city before flowing into the Adriatic Sea. The river has been canalized and its course has been dammed in many places, but even today it is possible to see the remains of the ancient river course, which once crossed the city in a very different way from today.

The Sile, on the other hand, always originates from the springs in Casarsa but flows in the opposite direction to the Lemene, towards the south. The river is known for its clarity and the narrow meanders it passes through.

The Reghena, which has its springs in the southern part of the municipality, is a river of modest flow but of great importance for the aquatic fauna that lives there.

Finally, the Roggia dei Molini is a watercourse that crosses the western part of Casarsa, feeding an artificial lake. In the southern part of the municipality, it is called the river Lin.

The importance of rivers for the history and agriculture of Casarsa

The rivers are not only a characteristic of the territory of Casarsa but have also played a fundamental role in the history of the city and its economy. Thanks to the presence of the Tagliamento, for example, the area has been inhabited since the Iron Age and played an important role during the Roman era.

Today, however, the rivers are important for agriculture and in particular for wine production. The territory of Casarsa is in fact littered with vineyards that produce some of the best wines in the region. Additionally, the rivers also allow for sport fishing and are highly frequented by birdwatchers.


We have come to the end of this presentation of Casarsa della Delizia and its rivers. I hope to have given you some insight into this very unique town and to have passed on my passion for its history and nature. Come visit us and discover for yourself the beauty of Casarsa and its rivers!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022