
Casargo: a small town immersed in Lombardy's nature

Are you looking for a peaceful place to relax and admire breathtaking natural landscapes? Casargo, a town located in the province of Lecco in Lombardy, could be the ideal solution for you. With its 848 inhabitants and its location in Alta Valsassina, Casargo offers unique panoramic views and absolute tranquility.

Physical geography: nature and outdoor activities

Casargo is situated at an altitude of 800 meters, dominated by the imposing Mount Legnone. The town consists of five inhabited nuclei: Casargo, Codesino, and Somadino are situated in the Casargo Valley, crossed by the Maladiga stream, while Indovero and Narro overlook the Muggiasca Valley, a small valley dug by the Pioverna stream.

The fractions of Indovero and Narro are ideal starting points for excursions and trekking in the surrounding area. From Narro, in particular, you can admire panoramic views of the entire Valsassina and can access the Muggiasca Valley to reach Bellano or the Alpe di Giumello, a natural terrace with a view of Lake Como, home to a renowned paragliding school and equipped with ski lifts. On the opposite side is Alpe di Paglio, reachable from Casargo, where you can go on picnics and trekking towards the Orobie refuges and Pian delle Betulle.

Casargo: a quiet municipality in Lombardian nature.

How to reach Casargo

Casargo is easily reachable from Lecco, located 27 kilometers away, through the State road 36 towards Valtellina. After taking the exit for Bellano, proceed towards Taceno and you will arrive in Alta Valsassina where Casargo is located. From the same Lecco, it is possible to reach the town by crossing the entire valley (Ballabio-Introbio-Taceno) until reaching Alta Valle. From Casargo it is also possible to reach Valvarrone through the small pass of "Piazzo" (900 meters above sea level) and reach Premana, and then travel across the valley to reach Lake Como near Dervio.

History and symbols of the town

From a historical point of view, Casargo has followed the fortunes of the other centers in Valsassina. The coat of arms of the town was granted by decree of the President of the Republic on October 16, 1980, and depicts the snow-capped profile of Mount Legnone, accompanied by two reliefs representing Alpe di Paglio and Mount Muggio. A road rises among the green of meadows and woods, up to the Piazzo pass, the watershed between Valsassina and Valvarrone. The five golden circles, crossed by a banner with the colors of the Italian flag, represent the fractions that currently make up the municipal territory.

Monuments and places of interest

In the territory of Casargo, there is an authentic jewel of Romanesque art: the Church of Santa Margherita, located in the fraction of Somadino. This small church dates back to 1200 and is characterized by a simple but fascinating Romanesque architecture.

For lovers of tradition, the last Sunday of August sees the celebration of the potato festival in Casargo, an event that attracts visitors from all over the province of Lecco and allows you to taste typical local dishes.

Casargo is a town immersed in Lombardy's nature, perfect for those seeking tranquility and a desire to discover breathtaking natural landscapes. With its fractions, outdoor activities, and the historic Church of Santa Margherita, Casargo offers several reasons to be discovered.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Feb 3, 2023