
Welcome to Casapesenna, a historic town in the province of Caserta

Are you ready to discover all the secrets of Casapesenna, a town of about 6,770 inhabitants located in the Campanian plain, in the territory of Agro Aversano? In this article, we will guide you through the history, monuments and traditions of this beautiful Campanian village.

Physical geography: a historic town in the heart of Campania

Casapesenna is located in the province of Caserta, in Campania. The town is situated in the Campanian plain, in the territory of Agro Aversano, an area characterized by great fertility of the land. The hills surrounding the town are part of the Tifatini Hills, a mountain range that extends across the provinces of Benevento and Avellino.

Casapesenna: history, monuments and traditions in the province of Caserta.

Origins of the name: the legend of saddles and horseshoes

The history of the name Casapesenna is surrounded by legend. According to tradition, the name of the town is linked to the old Baronial Palace, a place where horses were equipped with saddles and supplied with horseshoes. From here, the name in the Casalese dialect ''Casapesélle'' is derived, which means ''saddles for horses''.

History: from the Norman period to the autonomous municipality

The history of Casapesenna is very ancient and dates back to the Norman period, when the town was part of the county of Aversa. Over the centuries, the fiefdom passed from hand to hand, belonging to different noble families, such as Sanseverino, Mormile, and Bonito. In the period of Tanzimat, from 1846, the city has been annexed to the county government of Terra di Lavoro. Following the administrative reorganization that followed World War II, from 1927 to 1945, together with the entire Caserta region, it was part of the province of Naples. In 1973, Casapesenna finally became an autonomous municipality through detachment from San Cipriano d'Aversa.

Monuments and places of interest: among churches, historic buildings and parks

Within the boundaries of Casapesenna, there are numerous monuments and places of interest worthy of a visit. Among them, we find:

Religious architecture


Society: demographic evolution and spoken languages

The population of Casapesenna has undergone a demographic evolution over the years. Currently, the municipality counts approximately 6,770 inhabitants. In addition to Italian, the Casalese dialect, a version of Neapolitan spoken also in San Cipriano d'Aversa, Casal di Principe and Frignano, a direct derivation of Latin with some linguistic peculiarities, is widespread.

Culture: the library and events of the town

Casapesenna has a library located in Piazza A. Petrillo, within the town hall. Furthermore, the town is often animated by cultural and recreational events, such as the Feast of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, the Feast of Bread and Tomatoes, and the Feast of Traditions.

Infrastructure and transport: the railway station and provincial roads

The nearest railway station to Casapesenna is the Albanova Station, which is located a few kilometers from the center of the municipality. Moreover, several buses connect Casapesenna to the surrounding municipalities and larger cities of Campania. The provincial roads present in the territory of Casapesenna are the Provincial Road 200 San Marcellino-Casapesenna and the Provincial Road 340 Variante di Casapesenna.

Administration: the fight against the Camorra

The administration of the municipality of Casapesenna has experienced difficult moments over the years, with three dissolutions due to Camorra infiltrations. In the town, there is the headquarters of Libera Associations Names and Numbers against Mafias (Local headquarters of Libera) at the Social Center dedicated to the memory of Antonio Cangiano (Mayor of Casapesenna 1993-1996), seriously injured in a Camorra attack in October 1988.

We conclude our journey of discovery of Casapesenna, a village characterized by a great history, a cultural and artistic heritage filled with beauty, and an active and supportive community. We invite you to visit the municipality to immerse yourself in its beauty and discover all its wonders.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Sunday, Nov 20, 2022