
Teverola: the story of a Campanian municipality

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Teverola, a municipality in the province of Caserta in Campania. This small town, with its 14,748 inhabitants, was founded many centuries ago and has a long history behind it.

From ancient times to the Middle Ages

Human presence in the area dates back to the III millennium BC and many archaeological finds have occurred in the Teverola area. A torrential river, the Clanio, flowed in the area and often caused floods and inundations. Various populations settled in the area, including the Liburni, from whom the name Liburia derives, later known as Campania felix. Teverola is also mentioned during the Roman period, as a settlement on the Campanian Ancient consular road.

Teverola: history and traditions of a Campanian municipality

The first stable settlement in the area probably occurred through the work of the Romans, who settled on the edge of the Casaluce mansio, a military settlement placed on strategic roads in order to control traffic and goods.

The name

The name Teverola seems to derive from the Tuberani family, a Roman family that had followed Gaius Julius Caesar in the Spanish conquest and established a settlement near the Casaluce mansio. Over the centuries, the name changed several times, becoming Tuberniola, Tuberoila, Teberola, Tiburola, Tuberola, and finally Teverola, the current name, which appears in a document from 1520.

Recent history

In 1929 Teverola was merged into the municipality of Fertilia together with Casaluce, but became an autonomous municipality in 1946. In 2008, thanks to the decree of the President of the Republic, the municipality of Teverola received the title of city.

The territory

The municipality of Teverola covers an area of ​​11.01 km² and borders the municipalities of Cancello ed Arnone, Carinaro, Gricignano di Aversa, Orta di Atella, and San Tammaro. The territory is mainly flat, with a maximum altitude of 53 meters above sea level.


The economy of the municipality of Teverola is mainly based on agriculture and animal husbandry. There is also an industrial area, which hosts numerous production activities, including chemical, food, and building materials companies.

Events and traditions

On the occasion of the feast of San Pietro, the patron saint of the village, numerous events are organized including the traditional procession through the streets of the historic center. Other important events are the San Luca Fair, the Potato Festival, and the San Rocco Fair.

Artistic heritage

Among the most important monuments in the area of ​​Teverola are the church of San Pietro Apostolo, the Baron's Palace, the Norman Tower, and the former convent of the Clarisse.


In conclusion, Teverola is a small Campanian municipality with a long history behind it. A pleasant place to spend time, surrounded by the beauties of nature and the testimonies of the past.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Thursday, Jan 5, 2023