
Welcome to Casalpusterlengo: History and Physical Geography

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about Casalpusterlengo, a municipality in the province of Lodi in Lombardy. With a population of just over 15,000 inhabitants, it is located in a strategic position, close to the Brembiolo Park and the Borasca area.

Its name derives from the Pusterla family, to which the village belonged in the 14th century. However, there is another theory that suggests that the name comes from "Casale Pistorum" because bread ovens were built in Roman times. In the past, the village was called "Casale Gausari".

Casalpusterlengo has been the scene of numerous historical events: in the 14th century, it was a feudal possession of the Pusterla, who were succeeded by the Lampugnani, the Castelli and finally the Trivulzio. In 1454, Venetian troops besieged the castle of the village, which managed to resist the attack. The fortress was saved while Lodi and San Colombano al Lambro fell. It was in Casalpusterlengo that the army of Francesco Sforza was then gathered; in 1450 Sforza obtained the lordship over Milan, bringing the Duchy of Milan back to life.

During the Napoleonic Age, Napoleon Bonaparte stayed in Casalpusterlengo in a noble residence on the occasion of the Battle of Lodi in 1796. Of the ancient castle, built by the Pusterla, a crenellated tower remains, with two superimposed bodies, recently restored. The parish church of SS. Martino and Bartolomeo and the church of San Bernardino date back to the 17th century.

The Weekly Market

For many centuries, Casalpusterlengo was known for its important weekly market, described in written sources as early as the 1500s. The Municipality disputed the market with the feudal lord Lampugnani in 1590 in a dispute that was resolved by the Senate of Milan with the recognition to the Community of the right over the square. An official described the market in 1766 in these terms:

Casalpusterlengo: History, Territory, and Sanctuary of Madonna dei Cappuccini.

Apparitions and the Shrine of the Madonna dei Cappuccini

Significant is the description of an event related to the Marian Apparitions and other manifestations, which according to tradition occurred in 1574, which gave rise to the devotion to the "Madonna dei Cappuccini" and were at the origin of the construction of the homonymous shrine, located where the church of San Salvario stood in the past and entrusted to the Franciscan religious community. The shrine is a very beautiful and suggestive place of worship, rich in history and spirituality.

Territory and Parks

The territory of Casalpusterlengo is characterized by the presence of the Brembiolo Park, a green lung that extends from the historic center to the peripheral area towards the Borasca area. It is a very popular area among the inhabitants of the village, thanks to the numerous cycle paths and large green areas. The Brembiolo Park offers the opportunity to take long walks in nature and to practice outdoor sports.


In summary, Casalpusterlengo is a very suggestive place, rich in history and traditions, which definitely deserves a visit. The village offers many opportunities, from the weekly market to outdoor activities in the Brembiolo Park. Moreover, the shrine of the Madonna dei Cappuccini is a very important place of worship, which attracts faithful from all over the area. If you are looking for a quiet place to enjoy Lombard nature and history, Casalpusterlengo is definitely a destination for you.

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022