
Discovering Brecciarola: a rural village in the heart of Chieti

If you love discovering authentic and characteristic places, we recommend that you visit Brecciarola, a hamlet of the municipality of Chieti located in the heart of the Abruzzo region. We offer you a brief journey to discover this land rich in history and nature.

Physical geography

Brecciarola is a small moderately concentrated rural village located south of the Aterno-Pescara river and southwest of Chieti. The hamlet is delimited by the Pescara river to the north, the Calabrese stream to the west which separates it from the municipalities of Casalincontrada and Manoppello, precisely the same border to the south, and the S. Filomena-Tratturo di Chieti to the east. The hamlet is 10km away from the upper part of Chieti and 5km away from the lower part of the city (Chieti Scalo) and is connected through the state road 5 Via Tiburtina Valeria, which follows the route of the ancient Via Tiburtina Valeria that connected Rome with Pescara.

Brecciarola: the rural village of Chieti between history, nature and tradition.

Origins of the name

The toponym Brecciarola derives from the breccia terrain, but it can also come from the late Latin term "briccia" or from the Mediterranean base "bricco," which indicated a rocky and steep relief.


Most of Brecciarola's history revolves around the property affairs of the locality of Succeto, located northeast of the village and associated with Reja, now part of the territory of Cepagatti. In particular, Brecciarola's history is closely linked to the relations with the Montecassino monastery, which owned the area since ancient times.

The Succeto area was covered by a dense forest that was already partially cleared in the second half of the XVI century, so much so that Chieti could rent out the land precisely to compensate Montecassino. Later, the sale of what was defined as a "colony" on a set of lands that the city had and still protected the forest part, prohibiting deforestation, was carried out.

It was therefore a place partly cleared for cultivation and partly preserved as a forest heritage to be protected. This situation is part of the litigation resolved with Montecassino for the possession of the area and, in particular, from a title of remote origin and a more recent use regarding the availability to the city of the place.

This did not prevent, perhaps even due to the litigation resolved with Montecassino, Chieti from eventually alienating the possession in favor of the Valignani family, who purchased both rustic fiefs, Reja on one side of the Pescara river and Succeto on the other, maintaining possession until the mid-eighteenth century, that is, for almost a century.

Life in Brecciarola

Today, Brecciarola counts about two thousand inhabitants who live mainly from agriculture and livestock, but also from small commercial activities. In the village, there are two churches: the church of San Lorenzo, the patron saint of the village, and the church of Santa Maria della Valle.

The village is famous for the Feast of San Lorenzo, celebrated on August 10 with a procession and fireworks. In addition, Brecciarola hosts a festival of Abruzzese dialect theater, which attracts visitors from all over the region.

What to visit in Brecciarola

If you visit Brecciarola, we recommend that you do not miss the church of San Lorenzo, built in the fifteenth century and expanded in the seventeenth century. The interior of the building preserves numerous valuable frescoes, including a Majesty painted in 1495.

Another point of interest is the Suspension Bridge, a civil engineering work built in 1895 to connect the hamlets of Brecciarola and S. Filomena-Tratturo di Chieti. The bridge is 270 meters long and suspended 45 meters above the Pescara river. It is an ideal destination for nature lovers and those looking for breathtaking views.

Where to eat in Brecciarola

If you are looking for a typical Abruzzo restaurant, we recommend that you try the "La Vecchia Cantina" restaurant, located in via Santa Maria della Valle. Here you can taste traditional dishes such as arrosticini, pasta alla chitarra, wild boar stew, and homemade ice cream.

Another option is the "La Casa di Tocco" pizzeria, located in via Tortoreto. Here you can taste homemade pizza and regional appetizers.


In conclusion, Brecciarola is a small rural village with ancient roots and lush nature. If you want to spend a day discovering authentic and suggestive places, you cannot miss this corner of Abruzzo, rich in history, tradition, and culture.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022