
Casalincontrada, where history meets art

Located in the province of Chieti in Abruzzo, Casalincontrada is a small town inhabited by approximately 2000 people. Its name derives from the Abruzzese dialect ''Lu Casèle/Lu Casale''. What makes Casalincontrada so interesting is its history and the art that can be admired in the town.

The history of Casalincontrada

The village was known in the nineteenth century as ''Casalis Comitis'' which means "Count's Casale" in honor of Gualtiero di Pagliara count of Manoppello. In 1270, Casalincontrada passed to the French Du Plessis and subsequently to the Colonna and Sully. In 1330, it became a fiefdom of the Caracciolo and was purchased for 4000 ducats by Giovan Battista del Giudice, the grand lord of Amalfi.

Casalincontrada: History, Art and Monuments in Abruzzo.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architectures

Casalincontrada boasts numerous historical churches that represent a great attraction for visitors. The church of Santo Stefano is one of the main monuments of the city and dates back to the fourteenth century. It features a baroque style with a portal surmounted by a lunette tympanum, a triangular pediment tympanum and two pilasters that divide the larger central body from the smaller side ones. The clock is located on one side of the central body and the bell tower, at the back of the church, is topped with a triangular spire.

The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is another noteworthy religious building. Built in the sixteenth century, it was recently restored. It features a Baroque Romanesque style with a portal and a triangular pediment. On the sides there are the pilasters that support a band on which rests a lunette with two circular rose windows on the sides.

Finally, the deconsecrated church of Santa Maria della Pietà, formerly of San Domenico, dates back to the fourteenth century and features a stone lintel carved by masters of the San Liberatore abbey in Maiella in the twelfth century.

Other monuments

In addition to the churches, there are other monuments that can be admired in Casalincontrada. The entrance arch, formerly "Porta da Capo", dates back to the fourteenth century and is made of sculptural bricks. The Porta di Cerretone, the Municipal Palace with its monumental balcony from the 1930s, the eighteenth-century neviera, the fountain at the entrance of the town, the Caracciolo-Del Giudice-De Felici baronial house, now belonging to the Tracanna family, and the municipal cistern in Largo S. are all places of interest that can be visited.


In conclusion, Casalincontrada represents a fascinating place where history meets art. In this Abruzzese town, visitors can admire numerous historical churches, civil architectures, and other monuments that testify to the rich history of the town. Despite being a small town, Casalincontrada offers much to discover and is definitely a place not to be missed if you want to discover Abruzzo and its culture.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Sep 24, 2022