Casaleggio Boiro

Casaleggio Boiro: a historic and charming town

If you are looking for a place to immerse yourself in history and nature, you must absolutely visit Casaleggio Boiro. This small town in the heart of Piedmont, in Alto Monferrato, will conquer you with its beauty and its millennial history.

History: a territory full of history

The territory of Casaleggio Boiro has been inhabited since ancient times. Mentioned in a donation document to the Santa Maria di Castiglione monastery, it belonged to the Obertenghi of Parodi. In 1164, Frederick Barbarossa confirmed its possession to the Marquis of Monferrato, Guglielmo V del Monferrato. Over the centuries, the castle changed hands, until it came to the Spinola who held it until 1705, alternating briefly with the Grillo and Scotti.

In 1863, the municipality of Casaleggio assumed the new name of "Casaleggio Boiro".

Explore the history and nature of Casaleggio Boiro: a municipality in the heart of Piedmont.

Symbols: the coat of arms of the municipality

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Casaleggio Boiro were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on December 15th, 1981. The coat of arms represents a shield divided into four parts. In the upper right part is a rampant lion, while in the upper left part there is a crenellated tower. In the lower right part there is a grapevine, while in the lower left part there is a piece of bread. All this is wrapped in a laurel and an oak branch.

Monuments and places of interest: the castle

The castle of Casaleggio Boiro is one of the oldest buildings in the Monferrato territory. Built in the 10th century on a steep rock, it was expanded in the 12th century. It is a building with imposing structures, which dominates the valley below.

The view of the castle is one of the most significant experiences of a visit to the castles of Alto Monferrato; for those who travel the road of castles coming from Gavi or Ovada, the great mass of the building can be seen from afar, descending from Mornese or Tagliolo, in a still perfectly intact landscape, with a sense of mystery and anticipation that can remind those who have visited Puglia of what takes hold of those approaching Castel del Monte.

Despite the alterations and reconstructions over the centuries, the castle still retains some significant details, such as the crenellated curtain of the southeast, the baronial palace and the bas-relief architrave. One of the most interesting details of the building is the stone relief that serves as an entrance architrave, depicting a mounted knight armed with shield and lance and a lady flanked by two lions. Curiously, the coat of arms engraved on the shield and on the horse's trappings, perhaps representing a mace or a war hammer, is very interesting.

The Regional Park of Capanne di Marcarolo

Part of the municipal territory of Casaleggio Boiro is part of the Regional Park of Capanne di Marcarolo, a protected natural area of great naturalistic and landscape value. Within the park, it is possible to go hiking, mountain biking and horse riding, discovering the local flora and fauna.


Casaleggio Boiro is a fascinating municipality that will give you unique emotions. The millenary history of the territory, the imposing castle, and the Regional Park of Capanne di Marcarolo are just some of the beauties that you can admire among the hills of Piedmont. If you are looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature and history, Casaleggio Boiro is the right place for you!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023