Casalbuttano ed Uniti

Welcome to Casalbuttano ed Uniti!

Welcome to Casalbuttano ed Uniti, a municipality in the province of Cremona in Lombardy with a population of around 3,600 inhabitants. Located in the low Po Valley between the Oglio and Po rivers, Casalbuttano is easily reachable from the city of Cremona, only 14 kilometers away. This municipality has three hamlets: Casalbuttano (the main town), San Vito, and Polengo.

Physical Geography

The municipality of Casalbuttano ed Uniti is situated in the Po Valley and its territory is bordered to the north by the Oglio river and to the south by the Po river. The main town, Casalbuttano, is located along the former State Road 498 Soncinese and is separated from the hamlet of San Vito by the Cremona Canal. The third hamlet of the municipality, Polengo, is located 2 km to the south.

Casalbuttano and Uniti: history, monuments, and territory.


Although there is no definite evidence, some archaeological discoveries dating back to the Bronze Age and Roman coins suggest that human settlements existed already in that period. The town was destroyed in 1212 during a battle between the troops of Milan and those of Cremona. However, in the 12th century, a castle was built in the town and became an important testimony of the existence of Casalbuttano.

In the 18th century, the castle was demolished, but the nobility continued to shape the town's history. In the 17th century, the municipality was assigned to the Schinchinelli family as a fief, who owned many lands in the area, while in the following century, the Jacini and Turina, noble families active in agriculture and textile industry, became important in the territory. The textile activity became the main source of employment in the town, with four steam mills for the treatment of cocoons.

In 1867, the municipalities of San Vito and Polengo, previously autonomous, were aggregated to Casalbuttano, and the municipality assumed the name of Casalbuttano ed Uniti.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Casalbuttano ed Uniti is a town rich in history and beautiful monuments. The parish church of San Giorgio dominates the main square of the town. Built in the 17th century, the church has a Baroque facade and a 65-meter-high brick bell tower. The interior has three naves and preserves valuable paintings and a large historical organ of the province of Cremona.

The church of San Francesco, on the other hand, is a single-naved building dating back to the 17th century. In addition to the churches, the territory is characterized by the presence of the ancient castle, unfortunately now demolished.


Casalbuttano ed Uniti is a delightful and fascinating municipality with a great history behind it. The territory offers many attractions for visitors, including splendid monuments, unique natural landscapes, and promenades along the banks of the Po and Oglio rivers. If you visit the province of Cremona, be sure to make a stop in Casalbuttano ed Uniti, where history and beauty will make you feel at home right away!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Monday, Aug 15, 2022