Casal Cermelli

Welcome to Casal Cermelli: a brief guide to the city

Looking to explore Casal Cermelli, a small town in the province of Alessandria? This city of 1244 inhabitants is situated on the left of the Orba river, in one of the most interesting geographical regions of the Lower Piedmont, named after the city of Alessandria. Here you can find history, art, culture, and an interesting geological heritage, including the tradition of gold extraction from the river sands.

History of Casal Cermelli

Casal Cermelli was founded by the Cermelli family in the Middle Ages, subtracting a fraction from the municipality of Castellazzo Bormida. In 1929, Portanova became a fraction of Casal Cermelli. Here you can find the Church of the Blessed Virgin Assumed into Heaven, consecrated in 1819, the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, and the Church of St. Anthony in Porta Nova, built at the end of the 19th century. The new Parish Church was built between 1888 and 1891 and is dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua. Here you can find a painting of the "Holy Family" from the Maraglione workshop (1595), which comes from the old church.

Casal Cermelli: a treasure of art and history in Lower Piedmont

Society in Casal Cermelli

Interesting is the constitution of the "Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Portanova" in 1899 and the "Latteria Sociale" in 1910. The Latteria Sociale was founded to create a dairy industry that would take advantage of the expansion of natural and artificial meadows, facilitated by rational fertilization, and to combat the crisis in cereals and wine that had occurred. The Latteria Sociale was supported by the teachings of Professor Voglino of the Ambulatory Chair of Agriculture in Alessandria and the modern conception of Pallavidino's agricultural management, particularly that of Giovanni Pallavidino, who was the founder and President of the Society.

Gold Collection

Casal Cermelli is primarily known for the historic collection of gold from the sands of the Orba river, for which there are written testimonies from 1212 onwards. At the end of the nineteenth century, the "Swiss Society of Auriferous Deposits" operated there, later transformed into the "Dutch Society", which in 1887 established, precisely in Casal Cermelli, a dredger for the industrial exploitation of the gold-bearing sands, which about a year later was swept away by one of the usual floods of the river. Currently, the tradition lives on in Cascina Merlanetta, where techniques for washing the gold-bearing sands have been introduced, and the establishment of a Research Museum is planned. A few hundred meters away, along the banks of the Orba, in a Natural Park and SIC area (''Site of Community Importance''), a specific area has been reserved for Amateur Gold Collection, the only one in the World.

Symbols of Casal Cermelli

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Casal Cermelli were granted by the decree of the President of the Republic on February 16th, 1999.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Are you a lover of art and history? During your stay in Casal Cermelli, don't miss the Church of the Blessed Virgin Assumed into Heaven, the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, and the Church of St. Anthony in Portanova. These historical buildings are true architectural treasures that reflect the history of the city and its traditions.

Human Geography

Administrative Divisions

Casal Cermelli is divided into two main parts, Casal Cermelli and Portanova. These are the two main areas of the city and are divided by the Orba river.


Portanova is an important fraction of the city and participated in the founding of the city of Alessandria. Built in the years around 1168, Alessandria was founded to prevent a possible new barbaric invasion following that of Frederick Barbarossa.

In summary, Casal Cermelli is a fascinating city rich in history and tradition. Here you can find places of interest, historical monuments, and works of art that bear witness to the rich culture of the city. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this city and discover its beauty.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Thursday, Jan 20, 2022