Carpineto Romano

Welcome to Carpineto Romano: discovering a hidden gem in the heart of the Monti Lepini

Carpineto Romano is a municipality in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, located in the heart of the Monti Lepini, on the border with the provinces of Latina and Frosinone. The town, with its 4,218 inhabitants, is mainly composed of mountain ranges culminating in the 1,536 meters of Monte Semprevisa, the highest peak in the municipal area.

Physical geography: a landscape of mountains and caves

The landscape of Carpineto Romano is characterized by mountains, beech forests, and karst phenomena of considerable speleological interest. The town develops on two hills at the foot of Monte Capreo, on whose summit Pope Leo XIII placed a commemorative cross in 1901. The municipality of Carpineto Romano, with its 264 caves, is the municipality in Lazio with the highest number of cavities. Among the caves, you can find karst sinkholes and some of the deepest caves in all of Central Italy.

Carpineto Romano: nature, art and gastronomy in the Lepini Mountains.

Territory history: from the Volsci to Caravaggio's art

The territory of Carpineto Romano was inhabited in pre-Roman times by the Volsci, an Italic population settled in the area between the Alban Hills and the Aurunci Mountains. The settlement's origins date back to the early Middle Ages, and the first written traces of Carpineto's existence date back to 1077. Over the centuries, the fief passed from hand to hand between different noble families of the time. In the 16th century, the fief was purchased by Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, nephew of Pope Clement VIII. During this period, Carpineto became a duchy and experienced a strong artistic and cultural development, with artists of the caliber of Caravaggio who contributed to embellishing the town with churches and valuable works.

What to do in Carpineto Romano: tourism between nature, art, and gastronomy

The town of Carpineto Romano offers many tourist opportunities, including nature, art, and gastronomy.

Visit the caves

One of the main tourist attractions of Carpineto Romano is the caves, including the famous Capo d'Acqua Cave, where guided tours are available. It is also possible to explore the other caves in the area, but only with the help of expert guides.

Discover the artistic heritage

Carpineto Romano preserves a heritage of considerable beauty, with churches and works of art of great interest. Among the main works present in the area, we find Caravaggio's San Francesco in Meditation, preserved in the sacristy of the church of San Pietro Apostolo.

Trekking and outdoor sports

The territory of Carpineto Romano is perfect for trekking and outdoor sports enthusiasts. There are many trails suitable for different levels of difficulty, which allow you to enjoy the natural beauty of the area while doing physical activity.

Taste the local cuisine

It is not possible to visit Carpineto Romano without trying the typical dishes of local cuisine. Among the specialties present in the area, we find porchetta, fried meatballs, fave all'uccelletto, and desserts prepared with almonds.

How to get to Carpineto Romano: the best access routes

Being located between the provinces of Latina and Frosinone, Carpineto Romano is easily reachable by car via the State Road 214 Via Lepina. Moreover, it is possible to reach it by train to Ceccano station, located ten kilometers from the town, and then take a bus.

Conclusion: a small gem to discover

Carpineto Romano is a small municipality in Lazio, but it offers many tourist opportunities for those who love nature, art, and good food. The discovery of the numerous caves in the area, the visit to Caravaggio's works of art, and trekking on the trails of Monte Semprevisa are just some examples of the activities that can be done in Carpineto Romano. Furthermore, the territory is easily reachable by car or train, making it an ideal destination for a trip out of Rome.

Martina Moretti
Updated Wednesday, Nov 30, 2022