
Reggio Emilia: the city of the Tricolore and Parmigiano Reggiano

Reggio Emilia is a city in the Po Valley, in the heart of Emilia-Romagna. It was founded along the ancient Roman road, the Via Emilia, which connected Piacenza to Rimini. Today, the city has a population of around 170,000 people and is the capital of the homonymous province.

The history of the city

Reggio Emilia was founded in 187 BC by the Roman Consul Marco Emilio Lepido, along the Via Emilia. Over the centuries, the city has experienced periods of great splendor, as well as difficulties and destructions: it was plundered by the Visigoths in 410, destroyed by a violent earthquake in 1117, and defeated by the Modenese in the famous Battle of Bagarotta in 1325.

However, Reggio Emilia has always managed to rise again and become an important cultural and economic center. In 1797, the Italian flag was shown for the first time in the Emilian city, which has since been known as "the city of the Tricolore".

Reggio Emilia: history, culture and gastronomy in the Po Valley

Reggian culture and gastronomy

Reggio Emilia has a great cultural, artistic, and architectural heritage. It is worth visiting the Piazza Prampolini, located in the historic center; the Basilica of San Prospero, the main Catholic place of worship; the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, which houses the Tricolore Museum; and the Municipal Theater Romolo Valli, one of the most important in the region.

Among the most famous gastronomic products of Reggio Emilia, there is Parmigiano Reggiano, one of the most precious cheeses in the world. But the city is also known for its culinary specialties, such as bresaola, culatello, and tortellata, a puff pastry filled with potatoes and sausage.

The Reggio Emilia Approach pedagogical method

In addition to culture and gastronomy, Reggio Emilia is also famous for its innovative pedagogical approach, the Reggio Emilia Approach. Born after World War II, this teaching method is based on the enhancement of children's autonomy, the importance of play and creativity, and collaboration between parents, teachers, and the community. The Reggio Emilia Approach has inspired many schools and educational projects worldwide.

The territory and climate

The territory of Reggio Emilia is characterized by the Po Valley, which extends as far as the eye can see between the Emilian and Venetian provinces, reaching the foothills of the Alps. The city is crossed by the Crostolo, a small stream that was once the main source of water supply for the people of Reggio.

The climate of Reggio Emilia is of a temperate continental type, with hot and stuffy summers and cold winters. Rainfall is distributed throughout the year, but with greater frequency and intensity in autumn and spring. Snow often falls on the city in winter but not always with significant accumulations.


Reggio Emilia is a city with many facets: historical, cultural, gastronomic, and educational. The city of the Tricolore and Parmigiano Reggiano can surprise and fascinate its visitors, offering them the opportunity to discover the treasures of the Po Valley and experience an authentic and exciting adventure.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Aug 31, 2022