

Maria is located equidistant from Ovada and Piana Crixia; Madonna della Villa is situated on the ridge between Orba and Bormida, a former important votive center; Cascina Vecchia.

Carpeneto: history, culture and wine in the Monferrato.



Carpeneto is famous for its production of wine, particularly Dolcetto d'Ovada DOC.


Many artisanal activities are present, including those related to stone processing.

Infrastructure and transport

The municipality of Carpeneto is crossed by State Road 456 del Quarto, which connects the capital city of Alessandria with Liguria; in addition, there is a bus stop that connects the town with Ovada and Acqui Terme.


Carpeneto is a small village nestled in the hills of Monferrato, rich in history and culture. Its strategic location makes it a compulsory stop for those traveling between Alessandria and Liguria. The beauty of its villages and the production of quality wine make it an ideal place for a relaxing and genuine holiday. Do not miss the Fiera di San Giorgio and the Sagra dello Struzzo if you happen to be in the area during those periods.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jul 2, 2022