
Montalto Carpasio: a curious scattered municipality with ancient history and many hidden treasures

Have you ever heard of Montalto Carpasio? This scattered municipality is a small gem in the province of Imperia, Liguria, which hides ancient history, breathtaking landscapes, and some architectural treasures to discover. If you want to know all the secrets of this extraordinary place, keep reading this article!

Physical geography: between mountains, streams, and valleys

Montalto Carpasio was born on January 1, 2018, from the merger of the municipal territories of Carpasio and Montalto Ligure. It is a scattered territory that extends between the Argentina (stream) area to the south around Montalto Ligure, and the upper valley of the Carpasina stream, close to the valleys of the Impero (stream), Prelà, and Rezzo towards the northern part (Carpasio and nearby locations).

In this mountainous territory, characterized by peaks such as Monte Grande, Monte Carpasina, Monte Moro, and Poggio Amandolini, there are numerous opportunities for hiking, trekking, and outdoor walks. Even the Argentina and Carpasina streams, which cross the territory of Montalto Carpasio, offer suggestive landscapes and places to relax.

Montalto Carpasio: history, treasures and nature of Liguria in a scattered municipality.

History of Montalto Carpasio: from the union of municipalities to the birth of a coat of arms

Montalto Carpasio is the result of the merger of the municipalities of Carpasio and Montalto Ligure, which took place in 2018. The birth of the new municipality was sanctioned by a referendum held on June 11, 2017, which saw 77% of the votes in favor of the union.

After a long wait, the municipality of Montalto Carpasio was officially established on January 1, 2018, thanks to Regional Law no. 21 of August 2, 2017. Following the birth of the new municipality, the coat of arms, the banner, and the flag were granted, which testify to the independence and importance of this territory.

The symbols of the municipality of Montalto Carpasio: the coat of arms, the banner, and the flag

The municipality of Montalto Carpasio has recently obtained the coat of arms, the banner, and the flag. The coat of arms is characterized by a mountain landscape, with a wildcat that symbolizes the nature and territory of the municipality. The banner, on the other hand, has the colors blue, white, and green, which represent the sky, peace, and vegetation of the territory.

The flag of the municipality of Montalto Carpasio is horizontally striped in blue and white, with a green band in the center. These colors recall the natural elements of the territory, such as the sea, the sky, nature, and the hills.

The monuments and places of interest in Montalto Carpasio

Montalto Carpasio is not only a naturalistic territory, but also a place rich in architectural and cultural heritage. Among the religious architectures of the municipality are the Church of Sant'Antonino, the Church of San Giovanni Battista, the Oratory of the Holy Annunciation, the Chapel of San Bernardo, and the Chapel of Saints Carlo and Rocco.

The Church of Sant'Antonino is a Baroque-style building, erected in 1404, located in the historic center of the Carpasio capital. The Church of San Giovanni Battista, on the other hand, is a construction from the fourteenth century, located in the lower part of the village, which preserves the original apse dating back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

Among the other architectural treasures of Montalto Carpasio are also the Castle of Montalto and the Tower of Vena, two ancient fortifications dating respectively to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.


Montalto Carpasio is a municipality that deserves to be discovered and appreciated for its ancient history, the beauty of its landscapes, and the importance of its architectural and cultural heritage. If you are looking for a place to relax and admire the Ligurian scenery, Montalto Carpasio is the perfect destination for you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Apr 20, 2022