Carobbio degli Angeli


Hello friends! Today I will talk to you about a beautiful town located in Lombardy: Carobbio degli Angeli. With its 4748 inhabitants, this municipality is part of the province of Bergamo and is located at the foot of the first foothills of the Orobie.


The history of Carobbio degli Angeli dates back to Roman times, when the village was located on the road that connected Bergamo and Brescia. This ensured considerable commercial development, as evidenced by the stretches of a road built with pebbles found in the hamlet of Cicola.

The toponym "Carobbio" probably derives from the Latin "car-obitus", meaning funeral carriage repository. According to another interpretation, it would refer to the "quadrivium", i.e. a crossroads of roads, present since Roman times. The second part of the name, "degli Angeli", instead refers to the hill that overlooks the village.

Over the centuries, Carobbio degli Angeli participated in the struggles between Guelfs and Ghibellines and, for this reason, a castle was built on the hill of the Angels. This building dates back to the 14th century and was built by the Lanzi di Trescore family.

With the arrival of the Republic of Venice, the castle lost its main function and was donated to the Order of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel, which turned it into a convent. Later, the manor passed into the hands of the Sonzogni family and then to the D'Arcais family.

The Municipality of Carobbio degli Angeli assumed its current name and borders only in 1928, with the merger of the municipalities of Carobbio and Santo Stefano del Monte degli Angeli.

Carobbio degli Angeli: history, monuments and wine.


The coat of arms and the flag of the Municipality were approved in 1985 and represent the Castle of the Angels, some bezants and bunches of grapes.

Monuments and places of interest

The Castle of the Angels is certainly the most important monument in the town. Located on the hill, it dominates the entire town center.

But Carobbio degli Angeli also offers other tourist attractions. For example, one can visit the parish church of San Zenone, dating back to the 18th century and decorated with valuable frescoes. Additionally, you can admire the ancient villas Padulli and Colleoni, the first built in the 15th century and the second in the 17th century.

We cannot forget the social winery, which produces the famous Valcalepio wine. Every year, during the event called "Festa dell'uva", the city comes alive with events and shows related to the world of wine.


Here we are at the end of our journey of discovery of Carobbio degli Angeli. This town offers history and culture lovers many points of interest, thanks to its monuments and traditions. Let's not forget the beauty of the landscape, with vineyards surrounding the town center and the Orobie mountains in the background. If you are looking for a peaceful and charming place, do not hesitate to visit Carobbio degli Angeli.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Dec 26, 2022