
Welcome to Carlazzo!

Carlazzo is a commune of 3,103 inhabitants located in the province of Como, Lombardy. Its name derives from the medieval Latin "castellaceum", meaning castle, with the "s" changed to "r" in a phenomenon of dissimilation. The Castello area is home to the remains of a fortification, confirming the origin of the name. In the past, Carlazzo was first included in the Province of Como, then in that of Milan, and then returned to Como under Napoleon Bonaparte. During the Napoleon's Kingdom of Italy, there were decrees that annexed several municipalities to Carlazzo, but such aggregations were abolished with the Restoration. Carlazzo is a town that offers many activities and attractions for its visitors, as evidenced by the shops and restaurants present.

What to do in Carlazzo

Carlazzo is one of the communes located in Val Menaggio, a very beautiful and characteristic area. The town offers various activities for visitors, such as a visit to the Church of St. Agata, located in a panoramic position overlooking the valley, or the Valley Museum, which tells the story of the territory and the life of those who lived there. For the more sporty, there is the possibility to go hiking in the beautiful trails that branch out throughout the area or to try water sports such as wakeboarding and water skiing. Furthermore, Carlazzo hosts numerous shops and restaurants where one can taste the local cuisine and take a look at the traditional artisan shops in the area.

Carlazzo: history, attractions and events.

The history of the territory

Carlazzo was for centuries a municipality of the parish of Porlezza, within the Riviera di Lecco of the Duchy of Milan. Over the centuries, it has undergone various territorial and administrative changes, such as the annexation of other municipalities during Napoleon's Kingdom of Italy and the subsequent abolition of such municipal aggregation. Over time, the territory has evolved, becoming a very popular tourist destination, known especially for its natural beauty and cultural typicality.

Events and festivals

Carlazzo also offers various events and festivals throughout the year. One of the most important is the Sagra di San Giorgio, which is held every spring and involves the preparation of typical dishes such as polenta, sausage, and cheese, accompanied by music and traditional dances. During the summer, on the other hand, several outdoor shows and concerts are held in the main square, and every Sunday there is the weekly market, where it is possible to buy fresh and typical food products from the area. Furthermore, during the Christmas period, the streets of Carlazzo and the surrounding municipalities light up with Christmas lights, creating a magical and suggestive atmosphere.


In conclusion, Carlazzo is a very interesting and characteristic location, rich in history and culture. It offers various activities for all visitors, from sports to hiking, to restaurants and artisan shops where one can purchase local products. There are also various events and festivals throughout the year, allowing tourists to better understand the tradition and culture of the area. In short, Carlazzo is a great destination for a vacation focused on nature and the typicality of the territory.

Martina Caruso
Updated Monday, Nov 21, 2022