
Welcome to Carinaro!

Hello! If you're reading this text, you're probably interested in learning more about Carinaro, a municipality in the province of Caserta, in the fantastic Campania region, the one with the best pizza in Italy! I'll show you all the curiosities and secrets of this place, come with me!

An Agricultural Territory

Carinaro is located in the Campania plain and is one of the municipalities of the Aversa countryside, which covers an area of 6.29 km². The altitude is 29 meters above sea level, so the view is pleasant and the temperature is mild all year round. The climate is warm temperate, with hot summers and mild winters. The average summer temperature reaches 26 degrees, but during a particularly hot season, it could even reach 35 degrees. Instead, rainfall occurs mainly between October and January.

Carinaro: history, territory and curiosities in Campania.

The Curious Origin of the Name

The name Carinaro has several hypotheses about its origin, one of which could derive from the word "Carinarum", one of the hamlets of Atella. Or, it is said that the municipality takes its name from the region of Carnaro, where the body of Saint Euphemia, the patron saint of the village, is kept. The most imaginative hypothesis is that the name derives from the presence of a furnace, called a calcara. In any case, we are not sure which version is correct.

The Ancient Atellan Liburia

The territory of Carinaro dates back to the ancient Atellan Liburia, a fertile area that extended between the Clanio River, the Acerra forest, and the Napoli moat. The area was inhabited since prehistoric times and, subsequently, hosted a military fortress on the border between the Roman centuries. Following the barbarian invasions, the inhabitants of the Osco city of Atella, in search of refuge, created small agricultural communities. In the fifth century, Carinaro was mentioned in some Lombard writings as "Cerinaru".

The Feud of Carinaro

During the feudal period, Carinaro was owned by the Sanframondo, then divided among the heirs and reunited only in 1527 by the Brancaccio. In 1580, it was purchased by the di Sangro family. For more than two centuries, from 1633 to 1851, the Mormile family were dukes of Carinaro, one of the oldest and noblest families in Naples. In 1797, the municipality had 750 inhabitants and was owned by Baron Ronchi.


Here's everything you need to know about Carinaro! Do you want to experience the Campania experience? Carinaro is the right place for you! Don't miss visiting this place to savor its tradition, immerse yourself in its culture and the beauty of its nature. I guarantee you won't regret it. See you soon!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023