Carimate Castle: a millenary history
Carimate Castle, located in the province of Como, is a rare example of a medieval castle that has remained almost intact to this day. Built in the XIV century, it was used both as a residence and as a military structure, thanks to its strategic position on the Via Regina, an important road connection between Milan and Como.
The first attestations of the castle
The first traces of the castle date back to 1345 when Luchino Visconti rebuilt a destroyed citadel. It is believed that there was already a fortification in place, but it was demolished in the XIII century. Later, the castle temporarily passed into the hands of the Malabarba, before returning to the lords of Milan. The castle was equipped with a moat and was fortified by Bernabò Visconti, who gave it to his wife Regina della Scala in 1380.

Aicardi known as Scaramuzza and change of ownership
Caterina Visconti made the castle her home and the property later passed to the Della Mirandola and Malabarba families. In 1434, Filippo Maria Visconti donated the castle and the rest of Carimate to Giorgio Aicardi, known as Scaramuzza, as a token of gratitude for uncovering a conspiracy of Milanese nobles against the duke. Scaramuzza thus acquired the right to add the Visconti name to his own. With the transfer of power to the Sforza, the castle was confirmed as the property of Scaramuzza's heirs. In 1481, his son Lancelotto again restored the castle. However, further interventions were recorded in 1493 when the castle hosted the wedding procession of Bianca Maria Sforza and Maximilian I of Austria.
Carimate Castle today
Today, Carimate Castle has been restored and opened to the public. Visitors can admire furnished rooms with antique furniture, admire the frescoed chapel from the XV century and walk along the courtyards. The castle has also become a highly sought after location for weddings and events, owing to its beauty and timeless atmosphere.
In summary, Carimate Castle is a treasure of the history and culture of Lombardy, a testament to a bygone era that continues to fascinate and enchant today's visitors.