
Carfizzi: a Calabrian municipality between the Sila National Park and the Ionian Sea

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Carfizzi, a small Calabrian municipality located in the province of Crotone in the Calabria region. Carfizzi is a village with a population of about 500 inhabitants, situated on a hill between the Sila National Park and the Ionian Sea.

The history of the municipality of Carfizzi

The history of Carfizzi dates back to ancient times. Although there are no written documents or archaeological remains, it is known that the village was founded by the inhabitants of the three villages of Sancta Venere, Lucrivium (Lu Trivio) and Carfidi. The first documents related to the territory date back to the beginning of Angevin domination, when "Lucrivium cum Sancta Venera" were taxed for about 150 inhabitants.

During the fifteenth century, the fiefs of Sancta Venere and Lu Trivio were granted to various vassals. In 1291, King Charles II of Anjou granted the villages of "Torlocii, Sancti Leonis, Lutrurii et Sancte Venere" to Giovanni Vigerio. In 1292, the milite Andrea de Pratis obtained the villages of "Cutrinii et Sancti Veneris" in Val di Crati. At the beginning of the 15th century, the fiefs belonged to the Morano family of Catanzaro, barons of Cotronei, granted by Antonio Centelles.

The fief of Carfidi then passed to the Badolato of Cosenza in 1563, but returned to the Morano in 1576. In 1640, Aurea Morano sold the fief of Carfizzi to her great-nephew Orazio Sersale junior. He then sold it to the de Filippis family in 1630. The fief remained with the de Filippis family until 1687, when Innocenza de Filippis sold it to Scipione Pisciotta di Casabona. The fief of Carfizzi then passed to the Duke of Belcastro, Fabio Caracciolo in 1696, but only for a year. In 1697, the Neapolitan patrician Scipione Moccia became the new owner of the fief, which he held until 1766. That year the fief was sold to Nicola Malena of Rossano, who was its last owner because feudalism was abolished in 1806 by Giuseppe Murat.

Carfizzi: history of a municipality between Sila and Ionian Sea

The municipality of Carfizzi

With the law of January 19, 1807, Carfizzi was recognized as a municipality of the Government of Strongoli. In 1811, it became a hamlet of San Nicola dell'Alto. Currently, Carfizzi is a very quiet and picturesque village, perfect for those seeking peace and serenity amidst the nature.


In summary, Carfizzi is a Calabrian municipality with a fascinating history dating back to ancient times. Although there is a lack of written documentation or archaeological remains, it is known that the village was founded by the inhabitants of the three villages of Sancta Venere, Lucrivium, and Carfidi. Over the centuries, the fief of Carfizzi has passed through many hands, but feudalism was finally abolished by Giuseppe Murat in 1806. Today, Carfizzi is a small, quiet, and picturesque village that offers peace and serenity amidst the nature of Calabria.

Veronica Vitale
Updated Wednesday, Feb 9, 2022