
Greetings to Cardito

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about a small town in Campania, Cardito. With just over 20,000 inhabitants, it is located in the metropolitan city of Naples and is famous for its productions of buffalo mozzarella, herbs, mushrooms, and spices.

Origins of the name

The name Cardito comes from the Latin "carduus", which means "Cynara cardunculus", a plant similar to the artichoke. It is believed that the name of the fraction of Carditello is a diminutive or a nickname of the city's name.

Cardito: history, churches and flavors of Campania.


Cardito has a very ancient history dating back to the period between 350 BC and 300 BC when some inhabitants of the nearby city of Atella fled from the first Roman invasions and settled in the area. The land of Carditello was also used as a necropolis.

Monuments and places of interest

If you find yourself in Cardito, be sure to visit its churches. In the capital, there are the church of San Biagio Vescovo and Martire, the Madonna delle Grazie, and the Sacred Heart. In the fraction of Carditello, there is also the church of San Giuseppe and Eufemia of Calcedonia. The municipality also hosts the Taglia Park, an area of ​​over 80,000 square meters equipped to host events of various kinds.


The municipality of Cardito has a stable demographic evolution, with just over 20,000 inhabitants. According to ISTAT data from 2018, there is a foreign population consisting mostly of Ukrainians, Moroccans, and Pakistanis.

Infrastructure and transport

The municipality can be reached via the State Road 87 Sannitica and by CTP bus lines.


Cardito is a quiet and characteristic municipality in Campania, with a long history and many attractions for visitors. If you have the opportunity to visit it, do not hesitate to do so. Its gastronomy, churches, and green spaces are definitely worth a visit.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Thursday, May 5, 2022