
Welcome to Carasco

Welcome to Carasco, a charming municipality located in the metropolitan city of Genoa. With its 3,741 inhabitants, Carasco was an important trade hub during the Middle Ages for goods destined for Lombardy and the Po Valley. Today, it is a quiet provincial town that offers many opportunities for tourism and the discovery of its culture and history. In this brief journey through its physical geography, climate, and history, you will discover many reasons to visit this beautiful city.

Physical Geography

The municipality of Carasco is located in the low Fontanabuona Valley, in the immediate hinterland of Chiavari. Its municipal territory is situated at the confluence of two other valleys: the Sturla Valley and the Val Graveglia. Carasco is crossed by three main streams: the Lavagna, the Sturla di Carasco and the Graveglia; their confluence gives rise to the Entella, whose mouth is located between the coastal towns of Lavagna and Chiavari. These rivers and streams make Carasco's territory rich in natural resources and picturesque landscapes.

Carasco: discover the history, nature, and cuisine of the Genoese city.


Carasco has a temperate climate, with hot summers and mild winters. Summer is the perfect season to visit the city, thanks to its pleasant temperatures and numerous outdoor activities that can be enjoyed.


Carasco's history dates back to the Middle Ages. The name of the city derives from the fusion of "Car" (head) and "Asco" (water course), referring to the geographical location of the territory on which it developed. During the Middle Ages, Carasco was an important trade hub for goods destined for Lombardy and the Po Valley.

In the 9th century, the king of Italy and future emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Lotario I confirmed the rights of the monks of Bobbio over the territory and the court of Comorga, mentioned in 833 in the "Adbreviationes" of abbot Wala among the possessions of the monastery. Subsequently, the territory was administered as a Columbanian court by the parish of San Giovanni di Secenia in Pievetta di Santo Stefano d'Aveto, dependent on the Church of San Paolo in Bobbio.

In the thirteenth century, Carasco passed to the Republic of Genoa which, with the construction in 1132 of a Rivarola Castle, subjected the village to the captaincy of Chiavari. The floods of the Sturla and Lavagna rivers largely erased the evidence of the town's most significant historical moments, as well, among other things, the destruction of the original parish church of San Marziano in the seventeenth century.

With the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte, Carasco returned on 2 December 1797 to the Entella department, with Chiavari as its capital, within the Ligurian Republic. From 1815, Carasco was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia, according to the decisions of the Congress of Vienna in 1814.

From 1859 to 1926, the territory was part of the Second Mandate of Chiavari in the Chiavari district of the then Province of Genoa, in the Kingdom of Italy.


Carasco is a city that is definitely worth a visit. Its history and physical geography make it unique and full of surprises.

Carasco is a city full of monuments and historical sites to visit, like Rivarola Castle, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Teglia, and Mulino dei Rossi. Hiking enthusiasts can explore the natural reserve of Sturla Valley and the Tavigliano Cave, which can be accessed through a 5-kilometer loop trail.

The municipal territory of Carasco also offers many outdoor activities, such as rafting on the Entella River and cycling in the beautiful surrounding hills.


Ligurian cuisine is renowned worldwide and Carasco is no exception. Typical dishes of the city include the Pasqualina pie (a savoury pie filled with spinach, eggs and cheese), pansoti with walnut sauce (a pasta stuffed with herbs and cheese, dressed with a walnut sauce) and Recco focaccia (a focaccia stuffed with creamy cheese).

Ligurian cuisine is also known for its fine wines such as Vermentino and Pigato, perfect to accompany the typical dishes of the city.


Carasco is a city that also offers numerous cultural activities and events throughout the year. Among the most important events are the festival of San Marziano, the patron saint of the city, the festival of Madonna del Teglia, and the festival of Ligurian gastronomy.


In summary, Carasco is a city that is definitely worth a visit, thanks to its history, physical geography, and cuisine. Carasco is a city full of surprises that will capture the hearts of all its visitors.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Mar 29, 2022