Capriate San Gervasio

Welcome to Capriate San Gervasio, Lombardy

Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about Capriate San Gervasio, a municipality in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy. With its 8156 inhabitants, it is located about southwest of the city of Bergamo.

A rich territory of nature

Capriate San Gervasio is located on the Bergamo island, on the banks of the Brembo and Adda rivers. The municipal territory is characterized by the presence of a double loop of the Adda river, creating a very suggestive natural environment.

The municipality extends over three "steps", on each of which one of the historic urban settlements of San Gervasio, Capriate d'Adda and Crespi d'Adda lies. Its unique structure makes it an ideal destination for nature lovers and hiking enthusiasts.

Capriate San Gervasio, between nature and ancient history.

A millenary history

Capriate San Gervasio boasts a millennial history, dating back to Roman times and the previous Celtic settlements. The first document attesting to the existence of the village dates back to 948, when the bishop of Cremona received feudal investiture over the territory.

During the Middle Ages, the municipality was the scene of clashes between the opposing Guelph and Ghibelline factions. To defend the territory, numerous buildings were built, including a castle and a wooden fortification used as a storage for weapons and artillery.

In the fifteenth century, the Venetians regained control of the area, guaranteeing political stability for several centuries. In 1797, the French arrived and later the Austrians with the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom. Only in 1928 did the municipality assume its current dimensions, incorporating the municipalities of Capriate d'Adda and San Gervasio d'Adda.

The symbols of the municipality

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Capriate San Gervasio were granted with R.D. July 26, 1929. They are symbols that represent the pride of the entire community, which jealously guards its traditions and history.


I invite you to come discover Capriate San Gervasio and its unique territory, between nature and millennial history. Here you will find a welcoming community proud of its roots, ready to welcome visitors with the warmth and hospitality typical of Lombardy. Thank you for reading, see you in Capriate San Gervasio!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Tuesday, Aug 2, 2022