Caprarica di Lecce

Welcome to Caprarica di Lecce: a tour of our municipality

Hello everyone, welcome to Caprarica di Lecce! We are a municipality in the central-eastern Salento, with a population of 2,314 inhabitants and many beauties to discover. Are you ready for a brief tour of our territory?

Physical geography

Let's start with our geographical position. Caprarica di Lecce is located on the north-eastern side of the Salento Serre, at an altitude ranging from 43 to 101 meters above sea level. Our territory extends for 10.82 km² and borders the municipalities of Cavallino, Lizzanello, Castri di Lecce, Calimera, Martignano, and Sternatia. We are in a very low seismicity area (zone 4) and our climate is Mediterranean, with mild winters and hot-humid summers.

Caprarica di Lecce: beauty, history, and cuisine of Salento.

Origin of the name

Now let's talk about our name: Caprarica. There are several theories about the origin of the toponym, but the most accredited one refers to the breeding of goats, the main activity of our ancestors. In the past, in fact, the name could derive from "capra-ricca".


The history of Caprarica di Lecce dates back to the Bronze Age, when the territory was already inhabited. In the Middle Ages, our municipality belonged to the County of Lecce and the Principality of Taranto, later passing under the dominion of Brienne and Orsini Del Balzo. In the fifteenth century, Caprarica welcomed the refugees of Roca Vecchia, a nearby city destroyed by the Ottoman Turks during the Battle of Otranto. Over the centuries, our municipality was governed by several noble families, including the Bonsecolo, Condò, Guarino, and Adorno princes.

What to see in Caprarica di Lecce

Now let's move on to some tips on places to visit in Caprarica di Lecce.

Local cuisine

And what about our cuisine? We have a very rooted culinary tradition, based on simple but high-quality ingredients. You cannot miss our typical products, such as homemade bread, handmade orecchiette, fresh broad beans, and cicerchie. Among the typical dishes, we highlight:


Finally, let's talk about the events that animate the life of Caprarica di Lecce. During the year, we organize various initiatives to enhance our culture and traditions. Some examples:

In short, Caprarica di Lecce is a small municipality but rich in charm and traditions. We look forward to welcoming you for a pleasant visit to discover our beauties. See you soon!

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Thursday, Feb 17, 2022