Capranica Prenestina

Capranica Prenestina: a mountain town in Lazio

If you're looking for a small corner of Lazio where you can breathe fresh air and enjoy nature, then Capranica Prenestina might be the destination for you! This municipality, with only 309 inhabitants, located in the metropolitan city of Rome, is situated at the foot of the Prenestini Mountains, which rise to over 1200 meters with Mount Guadagnolo.

## Physical geography: territory, mountains, and river

The territory of Capranica Prenestina is predominantly mountainous and wooded: here you can find the Cerella mountain, the second peak of the Prenestini Mountains, as well as the Sacco river. The hamlet of Guadagnolo is the highest non-municipal inhabited center in the entire Lazio region, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area.

Capranica Prenestina: nature and history in the mountainous region of Lazio.

## Climate: thermal gradient and classification

Capranica Prenestina is classified in zone E and has 2927 degree days. Thanks to its altitude, this municipality enjoys a cool and breezy climate, making it ideal for anyone looking to escape the summer heat of the city.

History: coat of arms, banner, and Capranica nobility

The municipality of Capraica Prenestina obtained its coat of arms and banner in 1997, the former reflecting the Capranica nobility coat of arms, and the latter featuring a split green and yellow banner.

Monuments and places of interest: churches, palaces, and fortresses

If you're passionate about architecture, don't miss the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, with its "Cupolino" attributed to Bramante's school, or the Renaissance and imposing Palazzo Capranica (now Barberini). You can also visit the remains of the Castle, which constitute the heart of the historical center of the village, nestled on narrow streets and stairways.

Society: demographic growth and foreign communities

The population of Capranica Prenestina is constantly growing and currently consists of just over 300 people. Some foreign communities also live in the municipality, including Polish and Romanian ones.

Culture: museums, shrines, and films

The municipality of Capranica Prenestina is home to the Naturalistic Civic Museum of the Prenestini Mountains, dedicated to the promotion and knowledge of the environmental and cultural heritage of the area. In the local territory, you can also find the Mentorella Sanctuary, a favorite destination of Pope John Paul II, as well as the location of the film Vacation for a Massacre.

Administration and formalities

The municipality of Capranica Prenestina was officially renamed in 1872 when the original "Capranica" became "Capranica Prenestina." Getting there is easy and does not present any particular difficulties.

We're sure this little guide has made you want to visit Capranica Prenestina and all its natural and architectural wonders: bon voyage and enjoy the beauty of the Lazio mountains!

Martina Moretti
Updated Thursday, Nov 17, 2022