
Welcome to Capraia e Limite!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Capraia e Limite, a beautiful municipality in the metropolitan city of Florence in Tuscany. The name of the municipality comes from the union of two inhabited centers, Capraia Fiorentina and Limite sull'Arno. Although the municipal name was chosen to abbreviate the name, the two centers are clearly distinct. In this text I will talk to you about the physical geography of the municipality and its history, in particular of Limite sull'Arno.

Physical geography

The Municipality of Capraia e Limite is located on the right bank of the Arno and is mostly hilly. The northern part of the municipal territory is occupied by the southern slope of the Montalbano, a chain of hills that reaches a height of 627 meters. The highest area of the municipality is mostly wooded with tall trees. Capraia e Limite is located in zone 3s (seismicity) and zone D (climatization) with 1658 Degree days and high atmospheric diffusivity (Ibimet CNR 2002).

Capraia and Limite: Geography and History of a Tuscan Municipality.

History of Limite sull'Arno

Limite sull'Arno was a possession of the Guidi counts and passed to the municipality of Pistoia from the 14th century to the Florentine Republic. In the 18th century, Limite was one of the most important naval centers in Tuscany thanks to the presence of large shipyards that supplied the nobles and ports of much of Italy. Here the Maestri d'Ascia limitesi, skilled axe makers, became nationally renowned.

Today, Limite sull'Arno is a relatively small town, developed for the most part of its territorial extension between the slopes of the Montalbano (to the north) and along the course of the Arno river (to the south). The main square, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, with its central fountain, is the nerve center of the town and is mainly frequented by the elderly residents. Behind the Casa del Popolo, along via Borsino, there is a small square called "Della Fontanella", characterized by a small fountain.

There are many places in Limite that tell the story, traditions and personality of the town and its people.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Capraia e Limite. Until next time!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Dec 31, 2022