
Hi! Today we're talking about Capovalle, a small town in the province of Brescia.

Physical geography

Capovalle is located in the upper Valle Sabbia, between Lake Idro and Lake Garda. It can be reached from both the provincial road 58 coming from Idro and the 9 from Gargnano. The territory also includes the mountains Stino and Manos and is connected to other villages through the provincial road 113.

Capovalle: history and nature between Lake Idro and Garda

Origin of the name

The town was called "Hano" until 1907 when it was changed. The name is composed of the three districts of Zumiè, Vico, and Viè. Zumiè could derive from the Rhaetic term "zum" which indicates an inhabited enclosure, while Vico comes from "vicus" which means village and Viè from "viae" which indicates a road junction. This confirms the important role that Capovalle played in communication between Valle Sabbia, Riviera del Garda, and Trentino.

The theory of a transit location is also supported by some researchers who believe that the toponym derives from the Latin term "ianua" which means precisely door. Others argue instead that it derives from the Latin word "vannus" in the sense of basin to indicate a village built in a depression, or from a Celtic or Rhaetic term such as "anon", from which the name of Val di Non in Trentino also derives.


The territory was frequented since prehistoric times, as demonstrated by paleoarcheological findings on Monte Manos and Cima Ingorello. Capovalle was a small settlement of "Rhaetian-Celtic" populations before the Roman era. The name of Hano was confirmed in a document from 1200, related to the right of tithes confirmed by the Bishop of Brescia, Giovanni da Palazzo. The document also mentioned the nearby Val Vestino. During the period of the local castle, which reached its maximum extension, a triple circle of walls was built that descended to the shores of the Chiese river.

Capovalle is a place rich in history and legends, such as the one of the "King of the Mountain" who lived in the current area of Armo.

Today Capovalle is a peaceful town, perfect for those seeking peace and relaxation in the mountains.


Capovalle is an interesting place for those who love history and nature. It is a small and quiet town, but with a great history behind it. If you're looking for a place to relax and take your mind off the city's frenzy, Capovalle is the place for you!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022